Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

American Cheese Month and a Whole Foods Giveaway!

It's American Cheese Month and Whole Foods wants you to know! Now just to make this clear, we are talking about cheese made in America, not the orange stuff that is called cheese.  Sorry! I never liked that stuff, but I know many of you do and that's OK, but this cheese board is like way better. I mean way better!

Check out the certified cheese professional at your local Whole Foods.

Magic Pumpkin Butter Bars with Pumpkin Seeds and a Gingersnap Crust

It is turn around day - meaning unpack, wash clothes and pack again. I'm not used to this! After having had a fabulous time with Zoe exploring the Brandywine Valley, it is now off to Phoenix where my landscape will be a sea of boxes! Though I am still not feeling 100% about my parent's move, I will be happy to have it over with. 

So very quickly, as I have way too much to do, I will

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Chinese Noodles with Blackened Green Onions, Bacon and an Angry Egg

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Philly to spend a long weekend with Zoe. We haven't seen each other since Memorial Day and I am excited to see her and her new apartment. I am told it is a big girl apartment and I am sure it is, since I know it comes with a big girl price. She may be a big girl now, but she is still my little princess and always will be. Our weekend will be spent in the Brandywine

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Apple Brown Sugar Sharlotka and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

October is here and to me that means apples and pumpkins and lots of leaves to rake! I've already filled my freezer with tons of applesauce and my fridge is filled with grape, plum and raspberry jams. I still have to make the last of my oregano and basil into pesto and then I might be ready for the chill of winter. But I'm skipping ahead, aren't I?

Fall is one of my favorite times of

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Not My Mama's Noodle Kugel or Finally, the Daughter Likes It!

Sometime last week the kugel popped up on my Facebook. Seems someone didn't know what it was. A day later, the daughter asked me for my kugel recipe. Shocker, that she would. After all, she never liked it as a child. I used to always tell my children that just a taste would do, so they would, taste that is. I also told them that their tastes can change and so it was always important to