Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Corn and Green Chile Quesadillas

Corn and Green Chile Quesadilla

I discovered quesadillas during my first year of college in Arizona. In Illinois Mexican food was virtually unheard of unless you bought those crisp taco shells that came in the package. Never liking those made me think I didn’t like Mexican food. Plus I had a father who claims and still does, that all Mexican food looks alike so it doesn’t matter what you

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Avocado Corn Soup and a Starry Night

Chilled Avocado Corn Soup

I’m feeling lazy today. It is gray outside and though it is not raining, it feels like a rainy day. 90 degrees has disappeared and now it feels like 70. Usually this tempts me into baking cookies but my refrigerator is broken and I’m too disoriented to bake. The refrigerator repairman comes tonight and I am praying it is repairable as I really would hate to buy a

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

My Boy at the Sebastian in Vail and Mexican Shrimp Cocktail

                 It's  Friday!
I love Fridays. Maybe it is because the weekend is ahead and I love weekends. Not that it matters when everyone is gone- but I still love weekends. Friday always lets me reflect on the week that has past and I had a good great, fabulous week. My sister in law came to visit from Chicago. We went to Vail and spent an awesome weekend at my son’s hotel. Well, it’s not

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Two Bodacious Appetizers

Manchego Cheese and Dried Fruit Salami

“If more of us valued food and cheer above hoarded gold, it would be a much merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien

It is already Thursday and I am can’t wait for the weekend. My sister in law is coming to visit and we are heading for the mountains to see my son and have a nonstop talkathon for a few days. Hopefully the weather will be good but if not