Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Gingerbread Pear Upside Down Skillet Cake and Three Winners!

I know. You are probably looking at the above and wondering, trick or treat. I know. She looks like crap. Like she sat in the sun too long. She maybe got a bit burnt. But she didn't. And she isn't. Crap, that is.  In fact, she is really good crap. She happens to be one of the best cakes, I've made, well,  since my last best cake. We loved this cake-manservant and I. It is the perfect cake

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Smoky Pumpkin Hummus

Hummus is not my favorite dip, spread, whatever. That would have to go to my two old friends-onion or artichoke dip. However, I totally love hummus the Middle Eastern way. I've made the recipe from the Jerusalem cookbook and it is just like I like it. Creamy and fresh, not pasty and totally dip worthy. I even go to a Middle Eastern market, not too far from here, to buy fresh flatbread to

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Chili Lover's Meatloaf and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway! (I bet you saw that coming!)

I've always dreamed of travelling the globe, living in other places, meeting lots of new faces, feasting all over, and serving food to all my new friends. Wouldn't that be the life? Well, I'm not going to Bali, or to China or even Mexico or Hawaii, but I am becoming an ambassador. I'm livin' the dream, baby! Don't I wish? 

But really-I've been asked to do some giveaways and write one post

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

How to Comment on a Blog (I think!)

Leaving a Comment isn't as Scary as Halloween.

  OK. I'm going to venture into territory that is not my area of expertise. Many of my friends ask how to comment. This shouldn't be so tough, but it appears it is. And after searching the internet it is also hard to find a good explanation for how to do this. So, I'm going to do my best and tell you how. I think... If anyone else knows how

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Simple Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal and Why I Blog

It's hard to believe I've been writing this blog for two years. I've learned a lot and hope anyone who reads this has too. And if you haven't learned anything, I hope you've at least enjoyed yourself! This is How I Cook began as a way to file my favorite recipes. Often the kids would ask how I made this or that and it would take me a long time to find what it is they were asking about.

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Not My Mama's Waldorf Salad

 Apple season is here and for me that means Waldorf salad. Now, this isn't the Waldorf salad that comes from the Waldorf Astoria in the Big Apple! Makes me wonder now how the Big Apple got to be the Big Apple seeing how this salad is so popular. (OK, I just looked it up and it has nothing to do with this salad. It has to do with horses. That's all I'm going to say.)

 It's been around

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Balinese Chicken or Take Me Away!

 Take me away - to Bali. Please.

 Leave it to manservant to leave the taxes to October 15th. He mailed them at 11:50 PM last night. I am exhausted. I was entering bank statements for 3 days because he sprung this upon me, very last minute. I deserve a trip to Bali. Right?

 Ahhhh-well, it's been a crazy year. But I would be happy to do taxes if it meant a trip to Bali.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Barramundi White Fish with Mushrooms and Browned Butter

I hate to say it, but it is not often I attract manservant's attention. The banana cake did it and this fish did, too. Seems kind of funny that this simple preparation of fish and mushrooms would catch his eye-but it did. And that is a good thing, because this is really quick and easy to prepare. Perfect for a busy day when one is too tired to do much cooking. I love baked fish because rarely

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Banana Cake with Nutella Frosting, Fudge Sauce and Malted Chocolate Crumbs - or more from Milk Bar

 "You want me to make a choice?" manservant exhaled, with the fork still in his hand. It wasn't like I was making him choose between Penelope Cruz or Angelina Jolie, for God's sake. No, I just wanted to know which birthday cake he preferred. Our standard, triple layer, chocolate fudge cake or the new one set before him made from components of the Milk Bar cookbook. Was it the banana

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Spinach Salad with Za'atar, Dates, Almonds and Fried Bread

The salad is not often given  much respect. Bags are ripped open - processed dressing from a jar poured on - boxed croutons...People, we can do better. Growing up,  bottled dressings or Good Seasons or buttermilk ranch from the packet were the norm. Now we have so much more to work with!  I  remember my mom making a vinaigrette that she doused her head lettuce salad with. And I do mean