Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Dark Chocolate Covered Candied Orange Peels and a Whole Foods Giveaway

                                                         "Dark Chocolate Covered Orange Peels
                                            are simple to make and even easier to eat!"

The year's end is suddenly upon us and it has hit me with a vengeance; a good kind of vengeance though. The kind that says it is good to be begin again. Though we haven't had Alex's company, we have had the

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Chocolate Fudge Cookies by Candlelight

Ever since I've been back from Phoenix I've been working like a dog to get everything put away. Just like a dog who searches for the best place to bury his bone, I've been looking for the perfect place for that certain picture or piece of furniture. This is good in the sense that I love cleaning out and throwing away. I also love new arrangements of knickknacks and other common hoi polloi.

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Maple Glazed Maple Walnut Scones

One of the fun things about writing a blog is reading other blogs. I really don't have enough time to read as many as I'd like, because there are so many good ones out there. Yes, many people are just looking for THE recipe, but after awhile if one reads a blog you get to feel like you know someone. You get a feel for their tastes and what they like to cook or what they have fun doing. One

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Chicken Soup Chicken (Just What the Doctor Ordered!)

"Chicken Soup Chicken is just what the doctor ordered!"

After a road trip filled with all varieties of junk food, I was ready for some comfort food. Junk food isn't my forte, though I must say that Manservant did enjoy his McDonald's and Sonic burgers along the way. I had a few French fries, but even those don't hold the appeal for me that they used to many years ago. And of course you all

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Holy Moly! The Ultimate Katharine Hepburn Brownie

Holy Moly! I've deserted you again. But I'm back; at least for awhile. Phoenix called and wanted everything removed so they could actually park in a garage again. That is what a garage is for, according to some people. So back to Phoenix  I went and this time with Manservant. And this time he really was. A Manservant, I mean. We finally rented a U Haul to transfer some of their belongings