Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Berries with Balsamic Vinegar and Pepper (A Fast Dessert) #WholeFoods #Giveaway

My favorite Spring dessert is berries. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries; they all  make me thing Spring. As their prices fall and they are sourced from places closer to me, they seem to become tastier. Whole Foods is one of my favorite places to find fresh berries. When looking for strawberries I try to find those that are all red, not those that have white tops. You know

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

The Libby Cocktail with Iced Tea Vodka and St Germain + an 80th Birthday Celebration

I've been holding out on you. If I've seen a bit distant, it's because I've felt a bit distant. Really. Since the beginning of February, I've been a party planner. At least a party planner for one party that took countless hours to plan. You see my father decided he wanted to have a surprise party for my mother's 80th birthday. He had never given her a surprise party and I guess that is one

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Raspberry Crumble Tart

Lately I feel like I've been thinking in the color gray. Denver has been inundated with rain. And more rain. And then a few more thunder showers just for variety. I came to Denver years ago and one of the reasons I stayed was because of the sunny, dry days. I am not used to gray days which might be the reason I have been so attracted to all things spring, particularly in the grocery store.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Mandel Bread: Cinnamon Sugar or Chocolate, Apricot and Earl Grey

Hidden treasures are kept in shoe boxes. For some that might mean their favorite Jimmy Choo's or their collectible Nike's. Others keep love letters and hidden secrets. Kids keep their marble collections, Lego's or doll clothes. In my Omi's shoebox was Mandel bread, laden with cinnamon sugar and hidden between layers of wax paper. The box was brought out with tea served in tea cups, not mugs;

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Migas Scrambled Eggs with Tortilla Chips and Chorizo

May conjures up memories; in particular end of school memories. Let's face it. May always ended up in a blur. And then it was over. School was out and we all took a deep breath and breathed a big sigh of relief. It always seemed teachers would cram every possible thing that didn't get finished, into the last few weeks of school. I love teachers, but as a parent May was the month I cursed them

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


Today is May Day! (Well, it was when I wrote this, but this pup is keeping me busy! And it was a big event in Geordie's life. After all, one ear went up!)

 As children we used to gather pretty purple lilacs and yellow forsythias, tie them with ribbon, ring the neighbor's front door bell, whereupon they would open the door to find, probably some dead flowers. I don't know why we started