Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Microwave Caramel Corn (Believe It)

The aroma of caramel corn is imbedded in my genes (or should I say jeans?). The smell of sugar cooking is one that’s hard to ignore. In this case my first memory of the blessed stuff is going to the Paramount movie theatre in Kankakee for the Saturday matinee. My mother used to drop us off in front and right next door was a tiny candy kitchen that made fresh, ooey, gooey, caramel corn

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Fudge Pie

Fudge Pie has received a lot of press lately. It is featured as the winning dessert in the novel, “The Help”(, (a good read, btw) where everyone wants Minny’s secret recipe. In my life it has always been part of my husband’s requests as he grew up with the fudge pie his mother made.  Hers was a very good recipe that reminded me of a baked brownie. Though it has been a

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Green Chile

Three days ago the weather was beautiful. It was even hot outside which allowed us to have margaritas and cigars (well, some of us) on the deck. Today it looks like this! Typical Colorado and the truth is we had an awesome fall which means we were a bit overdue for what showed up overnight.  And the other truth is that the meal I served then would have been a better choice for a

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Fall's Bounty

I love Fall. Maybe it is the air when the evenings get chilly, or the leaves change color or the pumpkins shine in all their glory. Maybe it is because I can hear the football games from Littleton Stadium and it sounds like everyone is having a great time. Or because I love the sound of the drums. Or because Thanksgiving is coming and I love smoked turkey. Fall also brings the smell of green

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Sage Roasted Chicken with Bread Salad

What hasn’t been said about Judy Rodgers famous roast chicken? OK- Judy Rodgers of the Zuni CafĂ© in San Francisco. Yeah- I know you don’t know her, you were probably racking your brain, like who is Judy Rodgers? Well, it doesn’t matter as long as you have this recipe. I first ate this in Denver at a restaurant that unfortunately is no longer there. But the food memory stayed and I

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Onion Lover's Twist

It all began with challah-an onion lover’s challah. I think I was 20-ooh-I was really 20-once. But back to that challah and the person that baked it with me, my grandfather’s new wife’s daughter-in –law. (What a mouthful.) When you want to get to know someone one way to really get to know them is to cook, and boy did we. I learned about her and she about me and together we made something