Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

My Mother's Brisket (but not really)

There are many things one can say about brisket, but dull is not one of them. Brisket is a piece of meat that just keeps on giving. Think about it. You’ve got your bbq, your stews, your Jewish versions, and you can even grind it into hamburger. And soup. Well, you see what I mean. In our house brisket was always the most talked, debated? about subject of the dinner table. Was it sliced

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Ilse's Passover Mocha Nut Cake or more simply Ilse's Cake

I’m not sure how my Papa Alex fell in love with our beloved Ilse, but I believe it had something to do with her cooking. I was young when my Bubby died and I know my Papa was very sad. However it wasn’t too long until he found Ilse and we all discovered that the way to a man and a family’s heart is through their stomachs. Ilse was a tremendous comfort to Papa which made me comfortable

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Ziti Al Fresco

Her return meant Ziti Al Fresco. Beautiful, spicy, rich, warm and basily, (it’s a new word) Ziti Al Fresco. The adjectives suit her and also the ziti. Yes, my daughter is home. There is no better feeling. At least until my son gets home. And then that is the best feeling because it means we will all be together at least for a short while until one of them leaves me again. I don’t know

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

The Only Gingerbread Waffles

Gingerbread Waffles
My kids are coming home soon. Truly, I can’t wait. I am even washing the slipcovers in preparation. Yeah, call me crazy. Now if I could just stick the dogs in the washing machine, too. But no, just ain’t gonna happen. In spite of all my frantic cleaning of the house, which yes, I do realize they won’t even notice, I am still cooking and finding good things for you to make.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Holiday Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies

Spritz Cookies

Spritz cookies are definitely a holiday tradition. It doesn’t matter whether you are making cute little Christmas trees or pretty pink poinsiettias. They are a fun cookie to make. I’ve eaten them for years and not just at the holidays. My third grandmother used to press them out of the little star shaped disc and made long wavy shapes. They were

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

German Apple Pancake

My morning started out rough. My car didn’t start. I think it felt ignored the last 6 days as I didn’t venture out because of the COLD weather. I am sorry car, but you made me miss the Macy’s morning sale. Now I will probably have to buy you a battery, but I don’t think Macy’s sells those. So instead of being at Macy’s I am now at home writing this blog. It is a good one about German

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Sweet and Hot Green Onion Mustard

The Original Recipe in my Mom's handwriting
The holidays are here and that means mustard. It began years ago when a family friend delivered this mustard to our door every year with little Pepperidge Farm Toasts to slather it on. Yummy, yummy. Very yummy. So yummy, that I try to make it also during the holiday season. It is great served with dried sausages or on kosher salami. Super duper on

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Fool's Toffee

The Toffee

Thirty years is a long time. Some years go faster than others. Some keep you wishing that they were already over. Some you wish you could repeat. You may wonder where this is going. Well, I’m one of those food bloggers that push the average age of food bloggers up-kind of way up. And this week I made it to thirty years of marriage. A milestone in my book. I should have something