Senin, 30 Juli 2012

Zucchini Chips and My Mandoline

Zucchini Chips


The other day a friend came over to go for a walk. She left me with a giant zucchini. I like zucchini which is a good thing given the size of this puppy. After looking at it for a week I decided it was time to tackle it. And tackle it I did with still much to go.

The giant puppy sniffing the giant zucchini.

I began with zucchini bread which only required two

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Farro Salad, A Book and Other Creatures

It has been hot in Colorado. 62 of 64 Colorado counties are requesting federal disaster relief because of drought. My yard is hot, tired, cranky and so am I. Yesterday my electrician came over to fix a few problems and while he was opening the electrical box he was stung on his lip by a wasp. I felt awful but probably not as awful as he did, so I got out the Adolph’s meat

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Corn and Beer

Elote Corn, Bacon and Potato Hash

My son came home for a few days. He hasn’t been gone that long but I will always welcome him home. It was nice to hear another voice in the house. Even the dogs were happy to see him. He had a few things to do while he was home and one of them involved bottling beer. He started it in June and it was ready. At least ready to be removed from the floor of my

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Elote Corn in a Bowl

Elote Corn

If there is one thing you need to know about me it is that I love corn. Summer to me is synonomous with corn. Yellow may represent the sunflowers and the sun to many of you but to me it means corn. Maybe it is because I grew up in Illinois in a town that was surrounded by corn. I still miss seeing the never ending cornfields that ended my summer by waving tassels at me as I

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Kale Salad with Cherries, Almonds and Feta

I went to the grocery. Exciting, huh? Actually, most of the time, I do enjoy going to the grocery. It must be in my blood as my grandfather and uncle were both grocers. For me shopping is always a bit like a treasure hunt in the quest to discover something new to try. This time I found baby kale leaves. I’ve tried the big ones but these are much easier to use because you just open the

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Egg Salad and Gladiolus

Egg Salad

I just returned from Philadelphia where I helped my daughter move into her first apartment. I am happy for her but it is bittersweet for me and I am not going to dwell on that today. What we are dwelling on is how hot it was. (I always know it is hot and humid when my upper lip starts to sweat.) We moved up 2 flights of stairs in an unairconditioned building (though her unit was) in

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

From Tea Parties to Dance Parties

Tomatillo Salsa
  I can’t believe it. I haven’t even told you about Alex’s graduation and I’m already heading back to Philly. My daughter decided to accept a position there and she needs me to help her move in. I’m not really good at lifting boxes but since I helped her take them to storage on Mother’s Day I guess the least I can do is help her move them out.

Moving In
She doesn’t have