Jumat, 30 November 2012

Frozen Cheese Souffle (Who knew?)

It really looks like this!    

I know.
Whoever heard of a frozen cheese soufflĂ©? Trust me, you’ll be glad I turned you
on. I discovered this recipe in college in a food processor cookbook. The same
one I discovered the frozen cranberries in. It has fallen apart or I would give

Kamis, 29 November 2012

The Ultimate Hot Brown Sandwich and a Thanksgiving Memoir

The Ultimate Hot Brown Sandwich

began when my daughter arrived home on Monday. And my parents arrived Tuesday
for their third Thanksgiving since the kids were six. And then my son arrived
on Wednesday. Everything was beginning to feel good, exhaustingly good. Though
all was still crazy in my heart for my family in Israel at least I had my family
here to give

Rabu, 14 November 2012

Gazebo Icebox Chocolate Toffee Cookies and a Turkey!

Gazebo Icebox Chocolate Toffee Cookies

A long,
long time ago in the school cafeteria, lunches were served on plates. Glass
plates with green bands around the edges if my memory serves me right. And
though I don’t recall many great lunches being served it certainly was a whole
lot more appetizing than food plopped on orange plastic divided trays. At least
that was how the lunches

Rabu, 07 November 2012

Firehouse #10 Hot Chili and Being Thankful

Firehouse #10 Chili

election is over. It is time to concentrate on being thankful. I am thankful
there are no more phone calls, political ads, signs and other rhetoric. I am
thankful I live in a country where I am allowed to vote. I just wish I felt a
bit more hopeful about where this country is going and what people really want.
I am a bit confused but that is nothing new.