Jumat, 27 September 2013

Friday Favorites

I did not take this!

It's been awhile since I shared some new things with you from the SOCIAL NETWORKS. And the BLOGS. And all that stuff that just floats around in the webosphere. So here goes.

Shout Outs!

The first goes to Net.Savvy at fiverr.com  I don't know if anyone noticed my (just a little bit to big) pink buttons at the top of my sidebar. I kept trying to add them so that whoever

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Linguini with White Clam Sauce and Howard Johnson's

 Howard Johnson's is not a place I frequent very often. In fact, I'm not sure I've been to one since I was an under age teenager in Kankakee. For that matter, I'm not even sure Ho Jo's still exists. But when it did-well, let's just say it sufficed. I have good memories of Howard Johnson's.

It looked something like this!

(In case you have no idea what I'm talking about-Howard Johnson's

Senin, 23 September 2013

Cajun Potatoes and the Emmy's

  In my heart, I am a simple girl, though I am sure to others, I might appear complicated.Whatever. It's Monday and I'm not into quibbling, so let's not. Last night I watched the Emmy's. Now, keep in mind, I really hardly watch TV except when the Olympics are on, or a really good movie. I can get into some of the HBO series and the AKC kennel club dog show in Februrary and some of the

Jumat, 20 September 2013

Boulder Ice Cream, White Chocolate Crumb, Hot Fudge, Sundae and A Giveaway

 Not that long ago, Boulder Ice Cream wrote to me and asked me if I would like some coupons for free ice cream. We are talking ice cream here, folks and I knew manservant would never forgive me if I turned down ice cream. Especially free ice cream.  I'd bought Boulder ice cream before because they have such great flavors and a cute little label. 

What I like about their ice cream is

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Potato Kugel (Ilse's One and Only, Not for Passover, No Eggs, To Die For Potato Kugel)

The above is a very long title because it is hard to put into words the truth about this potato kugel.  Honestly, I wish I knew the truth. Kugels, usually made from potatoes or noodles, are often served as a side dish on Shabbat. The word for kugel in German means sphere, globe or ball. Ilse's kugel is made in a round shape though most kugels now, whether noodle or potato are usually

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Chicken with Figs, Pumpkin and Red Wine or Yes, it's Fall

Yom Kippur has ended and officially my new year has begun.  Actually, this is a new year until January 1, when if this new year isn't going so right, I get a second chance at another new year. It's good being Jewish! You get to make resolutions twice, in case the first set didn't take! I hope I've been written down in the book of life, and I sincerely hope I haven't offended

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Barbecued Shrimp and the Challah is Rising

The challah dough is rising, the rugelach dough is in the fridge and the kadaif is thawing. Plus the chicken soup is in the freezer. And  now I'm giving you a recipe for spectacular, truly not kosher, shrimp. Yeah, it seems strange to me, too. I was raised in a small town with maybe 80 Jewish families, and no one that I know of kept kosher. My grandparents to my knowledge, never ate pork or

Senin, 09 September 2013

Corn Bread Blueberry Bread Pudding or What To Do with Leftover Corn Bread

 After 18 days of non stop company, my head is full. Bursting, actually. And if you could call my daughter company, well yes it is a stretch, but when you get used to someone not being home for awhile, it gets tiring squeezing everything in. I'd have her move back in a nanosecond. I miss her and I hate the quiet in my house. A lot. Well, most of the time. Okay. It is good to have a break.