Rabu, 27 November 2013

Tamale, Cornbread Dressing with Chorizo and the House is in a Frenzy

The kids are home. The laundry room is filled with wine. Cases of wine direct by way of Salt Lake City and Vegas and Vail and Napa. In no particular order. We are all exhausted, but happy. We are together and that feels good. Even the dogs know it. The chemistry is still there. Here. Whatever.

Today we are doing some more cooking. I'm not sure why that sentence contains the word  we.

Senin, 25 November 2013

Fresh Cranberry, and Apple Salad and We Had a Visitor

I've only served this salad to two people and both of them loved it. Salad doesn't often generate any comments from manservant, but this one did. "Look, I finished all that was left in the bowl!" as if he wanted a gold star. "I really liked this salad. Why can't you make more like this?" he asked. I served it to my daughter, who is now home, the next night. "This is a really good salad", she

Jumat, 22 November 2013

Maple Glazed Challah Rolls and A Winner!

You won't believe what just walked across my front yard. Yep, Mister or Missus turkey. It is freezing outside-like single digits, with about 2 inches of snow on the ground, but my turkey is foraging. I best find some food to sprinkle, but then it would be like feeding squirrels. Timely, huh? No pics-shoot, I'm still in my pj's! I've got a ton of stuff to do with Zoe arriving tomorrow and Alex

Selasa, 19 November 2013

She Ran and Ran and Lemon Thyme Biscotti Crackers

She ran 26.3 miles in three hours and fifty six minutes, in these shoes.

 I can barely walk 3.5 miles in one hour. She ran and ran and finished in the top 15% of women her age. I'm told that for a first marathon, she did incredible. I don't need to be told. She IS incredible. Her brother called her and told her not to let him down. She didn't.

We went to the expo to pick up her

Jumat, 15 November 2013

Savory Sweet Potato Latkes and Off To The Race

It's a really fast Friday but I wanted to give you a treat before I left. Zoe is running her first marathon in Philly this weekend so we are off to see her run in her neon pink pants. I hope this way we will spot her. I just dropped George and Freddie off at the vets and already miss them-but I'll be seeing my daughter and soon my son, too!

I love latkes and this year is a big year for

Rabu, 13 November 2013

Orange Bitters and Tequila Cranberries and a #Whole Foods $50 Gift Card #Giveaway!

                   (This is a sponsored post by Whole Foods.)

Life is  starting to feel a bit hectic. Though I always feel stressed, now I feel stressed and have a lot to do! Agh! Turkey season is really here and if you didn't know, all you have to do is look at the blogs and see the plethora of recipes for Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, cranberries, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, and anything

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Kadayif, Kadaif, Kanafe, Kanofa or Whatever you Want to Call It

It occurred to me that maybe some of you might seek out a Middle Eastern or Greek market searching for za'atar. If that is the case, you need to search for kadayif, too. I love Middle Eastern pastries. Now most of you are probably familiar with baklava and I love that. But another fun pastry that involves another type of fillo is called kadayif. I've posted about it before but wanted to

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Ma'aneesh or One Way to Get My Za'atar Fix

Oh my. I love za'atar. You know that, right? And I love baking bread, but I don't get to do that often enough. My fault, totally. I love flour and sugar and yeast. And I almost forgot the butter. But I think what I really love is the smell. There is nothing like the aroma of fresh bread baking. Think about it. It is one of those smells that says, "I know you want me. So come and get me."

Senin, 04 November 2013

Tortilla Espanola and Come Home to Mama

The leaves have fallen, the weather is getting chilly and November is here. It seems I count the days the kids have been gone and then like magic, before you know it, I'm on the countdown until they come home. I am so ready. Time flies when they are here, so like a good mother, I must be prepared. The house must be clean before the suitcases are dropped upon it. The coat hooks must be emptied