Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

5 Incredibly Quick Appetizers and a Whole Foods Giveaway

Caesar Salad Crostini

I don't know about you, but I am tired of cranberries, and sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts. I am tired of turkey and maple anything and if I ate ham, probably ham. Add sugar to this list. I am so sugared out and I never thought I would admit that! I am almost ready for healthy food but I still have one more event to get through! Yeah. I know you know what

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

It's Snowing Sweets or Family Favorites

Chocolate Mint Crinkle Cookies

OK. I know you have already seen the above cookies. I'm not losing my mind, I promise. Think of today as a day without words. A quiet day, where one thinks in thoughts. Imagine if you will, all the sweets in the world without calories. Not a bad thought, eh? (I suppose then I'd find another vice and one that would probably be loaded with calories!)

Well, I

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Saigon Crunch #Chex Mix or I Did What?

There is something you need to know about me. I am not a Chex Mix kind of girl.  I'm not a pretzel girl, a Frito's girl, a Cheeto's girl or a Dorito's girl; though I admit to having had an affair with honey mustard pretzels, ever so briefly. I'm a potato chip girl and most any flavor is acceptable. So when Chex Mix contacted me and asked if I'd like to participate in a blogging event for

Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Soft Chocolate Crackles with Mint M and M's or I Should Have Baked These First

This week I've baked one coffee cake, one batch of chewies and three batches of cookies. Plus we received a box of fudge in the mail. Sugar is pouring out of our ears and Manservant is looking forward to January because he has no will power. To be honest, I was looking for a coffee cake that I made when my children were born 23 years ago. This wasn't it. But in that quest, I found the one

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Chicken Sofrito or Fry Me Lightly

 Baby, it's been cold outside. Today we are finally going to reach a high of 20 degrees. It will feel like summer, after what we've been through. Mind you, it's not like living in the Midwest. We at least have sunshine, which manages to give me a false hope that it is warm outside. That is until I poke my nose out the door and discover that it still hasn't warmed up.

You see my desk is on

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Browned Butter, Cream Cheese, Apricot Rugelach or We Ate Them All

I  must confess. I made these for Yom Kippur with those cute kadaif coconut squares. I was too busy focusing on the kadaif that I forgot about these darling rugelach. I wanted to post them now since they are traditional for Hanukkah. Of course, I never knew they were traditional for Hanukkah because I never had them as a child. My mom didn't bake them and they weren't found in the big K3

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Black Pepper Tofu or Intermission

I don't know about you, but I need a break-an intermission, so to speak, from turkey and cranberries and pumpkin. A break from stuffing and mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts. Ditto for the sweet potatoes. And the pies. Well, we didn't do pies this year...   I know all will come back as Christmas is not over, but right now-I need a break. And I'm not talking about a cookie break. (

Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Thanksgivingkuh 2013 and The Easiest Sugar Donuts

What was left of the sugar donuts, very sad photo, I know!

It came and went and won't be here for another 70,000 years. I know I won't be here then, so it was only fitting that we celebrate in style. Thanksgiving and our anniversary do coincide often enough...but never Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Some might call it a miracle-I just call it fun.

We ate. And ate. And I didn't snap many