Selasa, 22 April 2014

Macaroons, Version 2 and Hot Times in the Desert

I came back with a tan-how's that for a hot opener? It feels so good. And now it is back to the routine, as my father says. I think he lives for the sake of routine. I, on the other hand, have a hard time with that path. Not that I don't have a routine, but mine is always ready to be broken! Phoenix was beautiful and the weather was perfecto. Passover was glorious. My kids were there and what

Jumat, 11 April 2014

Cheese and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

Little did I know that April is grilled cheese month. I'm not that organized and as far as I'm concerned every month is grilled cheese month. For that matter every day could be grilled cheese day...But where did this love of grilled cheese begin? I really don't know. As a child I hated cheese because all we had in our home were slices of American cheese, wrapped in cellophane. I remember

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Flourless, Gluten Free, Passover Fudge Cake and My Passover Menu

Ach! Such a crazy title for a very simple cake. I'm not sure when flourless chocolate cake became the rage, only to be followed by little molten lava cakes, but I know that every restaurant seems to have one or the other on their menu. And just like they are everywhere so are the numerous recipes that extoll their virtues. I'm not sure how old I was when my mother gave me the recipe for her

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Matzoh Grilled Cheese with Basil, Anchovies and Lemon!

Where have these been all my life? Growing up, my matzoh sandwiches consisted of butter and matzoh. Maybe some jelly. Probably strawberry or raspberry or apricot. I don't recall our home ever having grape jelly. I do not know why. The grape jelly question came up when my daughter asked why we never had grape jelly. I think she was 16 when she asked it. Apparently that is the most common