Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Miso Pepper Tuna

 Who doesn't like a good steak? Well, a lot of folks and I'm one of them.  I was raised on a lot of beef (my grandfather and uncle were both butchers), but for the last 7 years I haven't eaten moo moos. No need to go into details, but other than missing burgers, I don't really miss meat.  I do admit to missing the smell of a good roast in the oven though, especially on the coldest days of

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

5 Minute Raspberry Rose Jam - An Awe Inspiring Moment

And so it is that sometimes I surprise myself. I'm not talking about something awe inspiring like climbing Mt. Everest. Or even Long's Peak. No, I'm talking about something as simple as making jam. I've tried and tried and other than my strawberry balsamic black pepper jam, I've never had great success; with jam making that is. We have had plum trees and a peach tree and even a cherry tree,

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Corn and Green Chile Chowder or Thank Goodness for Corn

Some days do not have gold or platinum linings. Some days do not have even silver. Some days just have corn. And thank goodness for corn. (I also could have used the word potatoes. As in thank goodness for potatoes. But I digress, because today is about corn.) Maybe tomorrow there will be potatoes. Of course, I could have added potatoes to this chowder, because then it would be chowder, which

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

New Style BBQ or 3 Twists on Old Favorites

After looking at this photo I realized it doesn't look too out of the ordinary. Kind of your typical old fashioned bbq on a plate. Corn, slaw and chicken. I'm down! Truth is though, it isn't quite like that. Sometimes I think outside the box and need something a bit less traditional. I never know what I'm going to come up, but in this case it turned out pretty good.

And why I am calling

Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Blackberry, Blueberry, Basil and Brown Butter Cobbler

Simple, quick and easy to make is one way to describe this cobbler. Most cobblers are straight and to the point, with a layer of fruit on the bottom and a cobbled floury top. This cobbler is definitely quick to make. It is definitely easy to make and there is where the similarities stop! One look at the above ingredients and one realizes this is not your average Joe cobbler. Not that

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

And So It Is and Grilled Lemon Shrimp Pasta

 What do they say about good intentions? Ah well, I don't think I have to worry about hell, but I do have a lot of recipes piling up. It appears that my ability to juggle kids and the comings and goings of said beings, has interfered with getting these recipes to you! In my younger days when said kids were younger too, my organizational capabilities were at their height. Since they have