Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Jamaican Patties or Stir It Up!

Yeah, man. It's a snowin' outside and I'm thinkin' Jamaica. Let's change the tone here and start with some music. Just do it. We all need a little jammin. So just click here and get your groove on while you are a readin'.

Hey man. It's been a way too many years since I've seen the blue ocean. Since I've felt the sand. Since I've seen the blue skies above while the salt water brushed my feet;

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Barbeque Bean Soup with Sausage

Colorado has seen our fair share of beautiful days over the last few weeks, but our weather is getting ready to turn. The weather people are predicting a weekend full of snow. Of course, they have been known to be wrong but predictably the grocery store was filled with folks anticipating being dumped on. Now being dumped on is a good thing if you are in the mountains and prepared to ski.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Mardi Gras Roundup of Recipes

My mind has been working overtime. I'm the type that over thinks things. Like how I soon might be getting another one of these. Puppies are due and I'm already thinking of names. Will it be pink or blue? Should I go buy a new bed or get out the crate, and how will little Freddie adjust? The weekend found me slumming at the dog show. Truthfully I could own one of each. I think I would have

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Beet Heart Salad with Maple Mustard Vinaigrette and a #WholeFoods Giveaway

Everything is coming up roses-at least that's how it feels in Colorado. Our weather has been incredibly warm and I'm almost not wanting winter to return. I'm sure it will, but in the meantime I swear my roses are starting to turn green; not a good thing so early in the season. So speaking of roses, (great segueway, huh?), Whole Foods has a great rose special for your favorite valentine. If

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Scallops to Love and Weekend of Love!

                              "Sauteed scallops with garlic and lemon are a perfect way
                                          to begin a Valentine's Day dinner"

Love is in the air and isn't it fitting that I just arrived home from my cousin's wedding? Love was certainly evident in Phoenix as we began the weekend meeting Zoe at the airport, and then devouring Mexican food at Filiberto's,

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Tin Roof Chocolate Peanut Bars and Missing George

Some days, well, some days are just that. The last few days I've been waking up sad and very unfocused. I'm not saying that I'm the most focused person as it is, but I just couldn't quite figure out what's been bugging me. Manservant has his faults, but I knew it wasn't anything he did. (Well, I probably shouldn't look to hard!) Nope. It wasn't. And then I remembered. Not that I've forgotten,