Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday/Wednesday or Jamaican Jerk

After a whirlwind weekend wedding we attended in the mountains, we awoke in our superb accommodations to help my son pack his last car and SUV load of belongings for the drive to Denver. After a longer drive than usual we quickly unpacked the SUV and ran it to Costco for new tires. In that time I also cooked dinner and started the washing machine while he started going through his

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Feeling A Bit Blue Today or Blueberry Nut Bread

Blueberry Nut Bread

  I'm feeling a bit blue today and it isn't because I discovered this blueberry bread in the fridge this morning. I had made several last week and gave one away to my neighbors but somehow this one was still hiding in its loaf pan on top of the eggs. It kept well and is still moist and good. Blueberry bread is perfect with your tea or coffee, as an afternoon snack,

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday or Peanut Party Sauce

 Years ago when my kids were wee ones, I discovered peanut sauce. Or maybe it was they discovered peanut butter and then I discovered peanut sauce. I'm not a big fan of peanut butter though I do get cravings now and then, particularly when I'm sick. Go figure. When I'm down and out I like peanut butter spread lightly on toast, (preferably Pepperidge Farm or challah) and then lots of

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Summer Corn Pasta with Burrata

Summer Corn Pasta with Burrata

 There are many days I find myself getting caught up in being busy. Sometimes, busy for busy's sake, and that's not good for any of us. But last week, I did clean the garage by taking everything out and sweeping and then power washing the floor. Impressed, huh? Well, then you must be easily impressed. I also cleaned the basement which I hate more than

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Real Potato Salad for Real Dads

Real Potato Salad

Potatoes love me and the feeling is mutual. I can eat potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and of course, in between. My favorite junk food is potato chips or fries, but I haven't had many of those lately. I've often felt that if I had to, I could live on potatoes, just potatoes, but I hope it doesn't come to that. 

It is hard to mess up the potato, though I suppose

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday (Turkish Coffee BBQ Sauce)

Turkish Coffee BBQ Sauce

Cardamom is the world's third most expensive spice, right behind saffron and vanilla. To tell the truth I've never really had cardamom, at least that I know of. Like za'atar, cardamom seems to be popping up on everyone's blogs. I've seen it in peaches and cherry ice cream. It is essential to Indian cooking and is found in Scandinavian desserts. Apparently the

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Texas Sheet Cake

The rabbit catcher is from Texas. Houston to be exact. A long u please.. That's how they all say it when they talk and catch up, y'all. We met in Colorado where we both moved to escape our various climates and to go to school. Yes, I did go to school, kids, even if I met your daddy there. And I did graduate and not just with an MRS as some like to say. And thirty some years later we are

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Fast Friday and Oatmeal Crunch

Friday is upon us. So let's make this fast. I need to finish cleaning my house and  run to the grocery and buy some ingredients for my Vietnamese chicken salad dinner.  I've been on a Vietnamese kick this week probably because of my visit to the Asian grocery. Visiting there means I get to buy such wonderful produce at such inexpensive prices. OK-cheap. I wish it was closer. All this so I can

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Meatball Noodle Bowl or I Love Vietnamese Noodle Bowls

Vietnamese Meatball Noodle Bowl

 The first time I had Vietnamese food was in 1986. OK, give or take a few years on either side. It was in the fall and it was chilly outside. We had to debate whether to wait, (as the line was out the door) or to find somewhere else to spend our dimes. Wait we did and as we edged slowly inside we found ourselves in the pass through where the food comes out

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday (North Carolina BBQ Sauce)

North Carolina BBQ Sauce and Pulled Pork

Memorial Day has come and gone. My yard that was supposed to be weed free, trees trimmed, waterfall working and all chores completed is nowhere near ready for summer to begin. Officially, I have now chosen the  first official date of summer, June 21st, to try to meet my yard deadlines. By that time, veggies will be in, seeds planted, dead trees cut