Senin, 29 September 2014

Salted Honey Rose Tart

I won't let another year go by without feeding you this luscious tart. It sings with the flavor of a rose honey custard, which is offset by a glittering blanket of the finest pink salt. Oh, let my heart be still. This is a tart of exquisite taste. She only deserves to be served with the finest silver, upon the floral heirloom china. But lest one not have the finest china or the polished

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Lemon Garlic Spatchcock Roasted Chicken with an Intoxicating Scent!

What smells better than a roasted chicken? Well, maybe a grilled chicken, but this is a post on roast chicken, so forget about the grilled chicken. But keep in mind that the sense of smell plays a huge part in determining what we put in our mouths. Over 70% of what we taste is really determined by how something smells. I can tell you this. Walking into a house, especially after a long week,

Rabu, 24 September 2014

Halvah Stuffed Baked Apples and a Sweet Year

Today I'm keeping this short and sweet, with sweet being the important word here. You see tonight is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. All Jewish holidays go from sunset to sunset. I don't know how much you know about the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, so I'll fill you in just a teensy bit. Rosh Hashanah translates to "head of the year". It is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of

Senin, 22 September 2014

Cowboy Biscuits, Whipped Cream Biscuits, and Green Chile Sage Butter

Hey Pardner! Carol over at Wild Goose Tea asked me if I had any good biscuit or cornbread recipes. I told her I'd fix her up. Bet she doesn't know what cow pattie this came from. But no matter. As head cook at this ranch, we aim to please. So I say, with my six shooter aimed right at ya, "These are the best damn biscuits this side of the Mississippi." Even if they might have Southern origins.

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Bacon and Egg Breakfast Salad with Balsamic Maple Vinaigrette and Manservant's Diet

I'm sure I've mentioned that it seems we are always on diets. I know it doesn't look like it, but it's true. Lately Manservant has been really into the 4 Hour Body. if you aren't familiar with it, it is actually quite interesting. Not that I don't think Tim Ferris is a bit over the top, but some of his theories are based in science. Now I was never very good at science and I'm not very

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Pimento Less, Cheese; Filled with Peppadews, and #Hatch Chilies

I never knew something that tastes so good could photograph so bad. I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry for what I made.This pimento less cheese that looks like pimento cheese but is really peppadew cheese, is might tasty. Is it the Hatch chiles that I bought fresh roasted over on Federal by the bushel? (Yes, they took a long time to peel and seed, but hopefully they will get us through the

Senin, 08 September 2014

Not My Mama's Kasha Varnishkes

These really aren't my Mama's kasha varnishkes, because I don't even remember my Mama making kasha varnishkes. I'm not even sure I knew what kasha varnishkes were when I was growing up. But I know what they are now. Should I share? I think I will, because I'm guessing not many know. Kasha varnishkes are buckwheat groats toasted until crunchy, mixed with pretty bow tie noodles and golden

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Scottish, British Scones or Bannocks, But Surely Not Biscuits!

A scone is just a scone; unless it is a bannock; which is another name for a scone; unless that scone is a biscuit. In which case, it has no egg and just a touch of sugar. Alas. Then a biscuit is just a cousin of the poor scone or bannock. Or maybe it is the scone, that is the poor cousin. I am confused. What I am not confused about is the quest I've always been on to achieve that perfect

Rabu, 03 September 2014

Almost Crack Granola

It's been a busy month; I mean the one that is over-though this one shows no sign of letting up. August found me helping my folks with getting ready for the big move and then the in laws arrived pulling the 5th wheel. At the age of 82 they are still enjoying the ride-so to speak. Well, they pulled out today and now I feel like I'm 82. I apologize for not keeping up with all my buds in