Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Overnight Mexican Egg Casserole

 Weekends call for relaxation in my book. Of course, this applies when there is no gardening or laundry, so for me this weekend doesn't qualify. But last weekend sure did! You already know that Alex and Zoe were home and because of that I made sure to not have anything to do! I like to spend all of my time with them. I'm not sure it always works that way on their end, but they give it a

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Red Canyons and Black Bottom Cupcakes

 Sometimes I think spring break was invented just so I would want to go to college. Of course, I didn't know that until I went to college, but I have to admit that upon graduating college, (yes, I did!) I really missed spring break. It took about 10 more years in the work force and then 5 more years before my kids were old enough, to start back down the spring break road. And now I miss

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Cauliflower Chutney for the Girl Who Doesn't Like Mango!

So you think you want the cauliflower chutney recipe? I admit I thought it was a bit odd to pair with crab cakes but since Tribeca Grill did...well, it was worthy of a try. Yes, I must admit that they know what they are doing and they are certainly way more creative than me. I would have been happy with French fries but sometimes it's good to shake things up. Yes, you all, this chutney

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Time for Crab Cakes!

Something about the smell of spring always finds me needing crab cakes. It appears to be a biological urge related to my pregnancy, about 24 years ago. Yes, I know it sounds weird. I also "needed" McDonald's small cheeseburgers, that now I would probably throw up if I had a bite. The same street also found me at a Chinese restaurant needing sesame chicken. And I kid you not; that was the best

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

NanaCakes Chocolate Banana Bread and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway!

Every now and then it is nice to have a helping hand in the kitchen. I'm not necessarily

talking about an extra pair of hands-though those would be nice-I'm talking about something that would help take breakfast, lunch and dinner decisions off my plate. At least every once in awhile. Let's face it-even the best of us get in a rut here and there. So, it was with anticipation that I

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Every Mom Needs a Gardener!

It's not Mother's Day yet, but I'm getting ready. There will be no kids to bring me flowers or make me breakfast this year, but that's OK, I understand. Really, I do. Really, really, I do. Yes, I do. Maybe a card will come in the mail, but yes, life does move on and I do get to see them both soon and I just saw them a few weeks ago, so I'm not complaining. But I did love Mother's Day when

Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Hearts of Palm, Avocado and Orange Salad or Have a Heart!

So you want something to go with that Peruvian chicken? Or maybe something to impress Mom on Mother's Day?  After all, hearts of palm are really the heart of the palm tree. They are the inner core of various palm trees and are now cultivated so that the entire palm tree doesn't have to be destroyed for our enjoyment! And yes, some of us know them as swamp cabbages.

 I'm not sure when I first

Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Grilled and Lightly Smoked, Peruvian Chicken and a Chile Spice Rub

I know summer is almost here because I've already had to fill the grill with gas. Or should I say, Manservant had to fill the grill with gas. Yes, the first nice days of Spring found me grabbing the first chance I had and heading to the grill. Hopefully, by now warmer days have found you and your grill is starting to see some action too. 

So after my last post with Green Sauce you are

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Voodoo in the Air and Peruvian Green Sauce

The last week has been a blur. Or should I say, the last week and a half? It took awhile to get things back to "normal" after coming home to paint dust and splatter. I cleaned each and every cabinet out and was happy with my work. Yes, I still have the refrigerator to do but cabinets that haven't been cleaned inside, in probably years, are finally clean again. There is a certain sense