Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

10 Minute Burger Bread or Fast Food for Super Bowl

So you need something fast, but you don't want it to be the usual? I've got you covered. I made this bread countless times when my kids were in high school and they needed something for all those sport meetings we had to attend. It is quick, easy and adaptable, unlike a lot of those coaches we had to deal with. No, I do not miss those meetings at all. Tennis season made me cringe, swim team

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Shitake Stuffed Hatch Green Chile Enchiladas and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

It seems I've been on a SUPER duper Mexican streak for the last few weeks. Green chilies are a SUPER favorite of mine and I'm always thinking of ways to use them. Whole Foods sells Hatch green chilies which is a SUPER thing, because when I run out of my fresh frozen ones, I will need a place to turn too! Luckily, I still have a ways to go...

My friends at Whole Foods have me thinking

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Green Chile and Chorizo Bread or Barbarian Bing Bread

Are you ready? It seems that the last few weeks has found our Hatch chile friend, Preston, making the rounds. Lately, I've seen so many chile recipes out there and now there is one more. Mine also contains the home made chorizo that I mentioned in my last post but one could also use store bought. Just don't skip the Hatch chilies. I never say no to chilies even though my freezer is still full

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Chorizo - How to Make It and Eat It!

 Chorizo is so full of flavor and so easy to make, it is high time you try it yourself. I love sausages probably because I love the flavor that is infused into the meat. One can be so creative when it comes to cooking with them. In most cases it is totally acceptable to substitute ground turkey or chicken instead of pork or beef. The choice is totally yours. Standard recipes such as sloppy

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup or Put Some Sunshine in Your Life!

The gray, dreary, totally sad excuse for days, has left me feeling in a bit of a funk. The need to rise out of bed is minimal except to meet the needs of the soft, little, shaggy creature, clawing at my bed. She wears a red, size 3T shirt, that says, "I love my mom." If that doesn't get you out of bed, what would?

Colorado is beginning to remind me a lot of growing up in Illinois,

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Roast Chicken with Saffron, Hazelnuts and Honey and Playing Catch Up!

Sometimes I feel like I've been playing catch up. When your life stops it takes awhile to catch up and that is what I'm doing. My life had been on hold for various reasons, some of which had to do with Manservant's travels and lack of work or to much work. Last year began my time of catch up, which I was more than ready to do. I could wax poetic on this, but my mantra to all girls just

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

What To Do with an Ugly Chocolate Fudge Loaf Cake and Happy New Year!

"What to do with an ugly cake!"

Zoe flew back to Philly yesterday, which meant I spent a day doing nothing. Before leaving we woke up early and she snuggled in my bed just to get in a few extra moments of each other's company. My daughter will always be my child no matter her age, and I am grateful for that. It was hard to let her go after being surrounded by so much love for two weeks,