Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Italian Nachos and Pay it Forward

A year and a half ago when I published this chicken recipe, I received this comment:

BizFebruary 24, 2013 at 7:01 PM

I made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious! I left out the onions because they are gross, and used two giant bone in chicken breasts, but the results were amazing - super tender chicken, crispy skin and melt in your mouth potatoes.Thanks for the recipe for this

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

Honey and Cream Baked Bread and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

There aren't too many things sweeter than honey-except perhaps your own honey! Whole Foods is promoting honey this summer and one can't promote honey without promoting bees.  This honey and cream baked bread is sure to hit the spot. Thank the honeybee for about one third of your diet. Bees pollinate more than 100 different crops in the US today and bees are disappearing at the rate of

Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Everything But the Bagel Scrambled Eggs and a Real Breakfast

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals, when it is a REAL breakfast. Often times it is just oatmeal or yogurt, which is fine, but to me, it just isn't a REAL breakfast. A REAL breakfast has eggs, and toast and hopefully potatoes and bacon or sausage or biscuits or waffles or pancakes or even French toast. And fresh OJ. Well, fresh OJ doesn't happen often and often enough REAL breakfasts

Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Halloumi and Oregano Shrimp Or Pass the Fried Cheese, Please!

It has been a long time since I visited Chicago. I miss it. Not only do I miss the wide open spaces-well, there used to be-on the drive from O'Hare to Kankakee, but I miss Chicago itself. I love the Windy City and finally I will be visiting again, but it won't be until January. Not exactly the best time of year to experience Chicago, but family obligations wait for no one! I believe we'll go

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

What's For Dinner or Wild Mushroom Grilled Pizza

It's 4:30 and I have no clue what I am making for dinner. This happens most nights, I do admit. Last week before leaving for Phoenix, I made this grilled pizza on na'an bread. The week before I made this same pizza for an appetizer for happy hour. Maybe tonight I will make this pizza again, but I am out of mushrooms. Shoot! It is a good pizza.

Now I'm not one to post a lot of pizza

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

Red Onion, Blueberry and Pesto Tart and All's Well

So here it is, the middle of July and I am heading to Phoenix for a few hot days. And I mean hot. I hate leaving Colorado in the summer, but it has been hot, even here. My parents are downsizing and moving into a house less than half the size of what they are now in. They are moving to a senior living community and honestly, I think there should be a better name for these places. You might

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Oh My My and My Mom's Secret Cole Slaw Recipe

Oh my my. 

 My head is in a tizzy and my mom's secret recipe is no longer a secret. But then if you read the last post her ice cream habits are not either! What isn't a secret is that Alex is finally off to China. After two years of working hard, he has finally flown away. For a brief 15 minutes we worried that he wouldn't make his flight leaving from Denver, as Southwest had

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

Maple Salted Macadamia Ice Cream and Ice Cream Memories

Anyone that has looked at the calendar today, knows it is July 1st. Besides being very close to my official halfway point of summer, it is also the beginning of national ice cream month. Now that's a fact you need to know, right? I used to think ice cream season started around daylight savings time. That was when my parents used to take us to the Dairy Queen, which was a big deal. It was