Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Dark Chocolate Covered Candied Orange Peels and a Whole Foods Giveaway

                                                         "Dark Chocolate Covered Orange Peels
                                            are simple to make and even easier to eat!"

The year's end is suddenly upon us and it has hit me with a vengeance; a good kind of vengeance though. The kind that says it is good to be begin again. Though we haven't had Alex's company, we have had the

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Chocolate Fudge Cookies by Candlelight

Ever since I've been back from Phoenix I've been working like a dog to get everything put away. Just like a dog who searches for the best place to bury his bone, I've been looking for the perfect place for that certain picture or piece of furniture. This is good in the sense that I love cleaning out and throwing away. I also love new arrangements of knickknacks and other common hoi polloi.

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Maple Glazed Maple Walnut Scones

One of the fun things about writing a blog is reading other blogs. I really don't have enough time to read as many as I'd like, because there are so many good ones out there. Yes, many people are just looking for THE recipe, but after awhile if one reads a blog you get to feel like you know someone. You get a feel for their tastes and what they like to cook or what they have fun doing. One

Senin, 15 Desember 2014

Chicken Soup Chicken (Just What the Doctor Ordered!)

"Chicken Soup Chicken is just what the doctor ordered!"

After a road trip filled with all varieties of junk food, I was ready for some comfort food. Junk food isn't my forte, though I must say that Manservant did enjoy his McDonald's and Sonic burgers along the way. I had a few French fries, but even those don't hold the appeal for me that they used to many years ago. And of course you all

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Holy Moly! The Ultimate Katharine Hepburn Brownie

Holy Moly! I've deserted you again. But I'm back; at least for awhile. Phoenix called and wanted everything removed so they could actually park in a garage again. That is what a garage is for, according to some people. So back to Phoenix  I went and this time with Manservant. And this time he really was. A Manservant, I mean. We finally rented a U Haul to transfer some of their belongings

Minggu, 23 November 2014

Caramelized Candied Mandarins and Cranberries are Simple and Good!

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you will know that I am a big fan of St- Germain. It was served to me in a cocktail a good four years ago, and I haven't stopped drinking it since. I love this blended with wine, champagne or prosecco and of course, in cocktails. St-Germain has a lovely, fragrant, floral taste and unlike many liquors, I think it is of the subtle variety. I often

Rabu, 19 November 2014

Truffled Scalloped Potatoes - A celebration!

"Truffled Scalloped Potatoes are perfect for celebrations!"

Truffled scalloped potatoes are good. I know because I just had some for breakfast. And I had some for dinner last night. And some for dinner three nights before that. With all that time with scalloped potatoes you would think I could get a good photo of them, but the light of winter just doesn't want to cooperate.

I made these

Senin, 17 November 2014

Maple Pecan Cream Cheese Pound Cake and a #Whole Foods Giveaway

"A perfect dessert for Thanksgiving...Maple Pecan Cream Cheese Pound Cake"

I made Manservant very happy. Not that I don't make him happy often, and maybe it was the fact that I'd been gone so long; in any case... he loved this cake. It's a splurgie kind of cake in the sense that I use real maple syrup on it and in it. Real maple syrup is a treat and so much better than the corn syrup

Rabu, 12 November 2014

Pumpkin Chipotle Soup and I'm Glad to Be Back!

                               "Pumpkin Chipotle Soup is perfect for Thanksgiving!"

It has been a long time since I opened this blog. Opened is the correct word here; as all I've been doing is opening boxes since I last wrote. After visiting Zoe, I recovered at home for a day, before heading to Phoenix to help my parents move. I left on short notice; thought I would be there no more than a

Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

American Cheese Month and a Whole Foods Giveaway!

It's American Cheese Month and Whole Foods wants you to know! Now just to make this clear, we are talking about cheese made in America, not the orange stuff that is called cheese.  Sorry! I never liked that stuff, but I know many of you do and that's OK, but this cheese board is like way better. I mean way better!

Check out the certified cheese professional at your local Whole Foods.

Magic Pumpkin Butter Bars with Pumpkin Seeds and a Gingersnap Crust

It is turn around day - meaning unpack, wash clothes and pack again. I'm not used to this! After having had a fabulous time with Zoe exploring the Brandywine Valley, it is now off to Phoenix where my landscape will be a sea of boxes! Though I am still not feeling 100% about my parent's move, I will be happy to have it over with. 

So very quickly, as I have way too much to do, I will

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Chinese Noodles with Blackened Green Onions, Bacon and an Angry Egg

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Philly to spend a long weekend with Zoe. We haven't seen each other since Memorial Day and I am excited to see her and her new apartment. I am told it is a big girl apartment and I am sure it is, since I know it comes with a big girl price. She may be a big girl now, but she is still my little princess and always will be. Our weekend will be spent in the Brandywine

Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

Apple Brown Sugar Sharlotka and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

October is here and to me that means apples and pumpkins and lots of leaves to rake! I've already filled my freezer with tons of applesauce and my fridge is filled with grape, plum and raspberry jams. I still have to make the last of my oregano and basil into pesto and then I might be ready for the chill of winter. But I'm skipping ahead, aren't I?

Fall is one of my favorite times of

Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Not My Mama's Noodle Kugel or Finally, the Daughter Likes It!

Sometime last week the kugel popped up on my Facebook. Seems someone didn't know what it was. A day later, the daughter asked me for my kugel recipe. Shocker, that she would. After all, she never liked it as a child. I used to always tell my children that just a taste would do, so they would, taste that is. I also told them that their tastes can change and so it was always important to

Senin, 29 September 2014

Salted Honey Rose Tart

I won't let another year go by without feeding you this luscious tart. It sings with the flavor of a rose honey custard, which is offset by a glittering blanket of the finest pink salt. Oh, let my heart be still. This is a tart of exquisite taste. She only deserves to be served with the finest silver, upon the floral heirloom china. But lest one not have the finest china or the polished

Jumat, 26 September 2014

Lemon Garlic Spatchcock Roasted Chicken with an Intoxicating Scent!

What smells better than a roasted chicken? Well, maybe a grilled chicken, but this is a post on roast chicken, so forget about the grilled chicken. But keep in mind that the sense of smell plays a huge part in determining what we put in our mouths. Over 70% of what we taste is really determined by how something smells. I can tell you this. Walking into a house, especially after a long week,

Rabu, 24 September 2014

Halvah Stuffed Baked Apples and a Sweet Year

Today I'm keeping this short and sweet, with sweet being the important word here. You see tonight is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. All Jewish holidays go from sunset to sunset. I don't know how much you know about the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, so I'll fill you in just a teensy bit. Rosh Hashanah translates to "head of the year". It is believed to be the anniversary of the creation of

Senin, 22 September 2014

Cowboy Biscuits, Whipped Cream Biscuits, and Green Chile Sage Butter

Hey Pardner! Carol over at Wild Goose Tea asked me if I had any good biscuit or cornbread recipes. I told her I'd fix her up. Bet she doesn't know what cow pattie this came from. But no matter. As head cook at this ranch, we aim to please. So I say, with my six shooter aimed right at ya, "These are the best damn biscuits this side of the Mississippi." Even if they might have Southern origins.

Rabu, 17 September 2014

Bacon and Egg Breakfast Salad with Balsamic Maple Vinaigrette and Manservant's Diet

I'm sure I've mentioned that it seems we are always on diets. I know it doesn't look like it, but it's true. Lately Manservant has been really into the 4 Hour Body. if you aren't familiar with it, it is actually quite interesting. Not that I don't think Tim Ferris is a bit over the top, but some of his theories are based in science. Now I was never very good at science and I'm not very

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Pimento Less, Cheese; Filled with Peppadews, and #Hatch Chilies

I never knew something that tastes so good could photograph so bad. I'm sorry. But I'm not sorry for what I made.This pimento less cheese that looks like pimento cheese but is really peppadew cheese, is might tasty. Is it the Hatch chiles that I bought fresh roasted over on Federal by the bushel? (Yes, they took a long time to peel and seed, but hopefully they will get us through the

Senin, 08 September 2014

Not My Mama's Kasha Varnishkes

These really aren't my Mama's kasha varnishkes, because I don't even remember my Mama making kasha varnishkes. I'm not even sure I knew what kasha varnishkes were when I was growing up. But I know what they are now. Should I share? I think I will, because I'm guessing not many know. Kasha varnishkes are buckwheat groats toasted until crunchy, mixed with pretty bow tie noodles and golden

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Scottish, British Scones or Bannocks, But Surely Not Biscuits!

A scone is just a scone; unless it is a bannock; which is another name for a scone; unless that scone is a biscuit. In which case, it has no egg and just a touch of sugar. Alas. Then a biscuit is just a cousin of the poor scone or bannock. Or maybe it is the scone, that is the poor cousin. I am confused. What I am not confused about is the quest I've always been on to achieve that perfect

Rabu, 03 September 2014

Almost Crack Granola

It's been a busy month; I mean the one that is over-though this one shows no sign of letting up. August found me helping my folks with getting ready for the big move and then the in laws arrived pulling the 5th wheel. At the age of 82 they are still enjoying the ride-so to speak. Well, they pulled out today and now I feel like I'm 82. I apologize for not keeping up with all my buds in

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Calabacitas Tomato Sandwich

The end of summer is a perfect time to highlight Colorado's glorious produce. And glorious it is. Palisade peaches from High Country Orchards and Kokopelli Farms should not be missed. They were perfect this year. Sweet and juicy, they were some of the best I remember in a long time. Colorado kale from Full Circle Farms and heirloom tomatoes from Dooley Farms were often on my dinner table,

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Larb, Hollywood, and Fast Friday!

It's been a long time since I've done a Fast Friday but I find myself again in Phoenix. We are making headway and managed to clear out many of the garage cabinets. I think my mother must have saved every vase that was ever given to her. She also had numerous clay pots of every size and shape. And yes, many of them, never held a plant! I don't even want to go into the carry on bags that

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2014

Caprese Grilled Chicken with Roasted Tomatoes and Burrata on Quinoa Cakes

Quinoa cakes are one thing I haven't made, until now. I've made quinoa as a side dish, like I would make rice, but I've never tried it in other forms. So... I looked up the ingredients in the quinoa cakes that I sampled when Liz of That Skinny Chick Can Bake and I went to breakfast. I had a simple breakfast sandwich and Liz ordered quinoa cakes with a poached egg. She kindly offered me a

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

The White Chocolate Blueberry Brownie That Made It To Red Rocks

I know what you're thinking. Well, I think I know what you're thinking. Yeah. Colorado, the pot state. Or in a state of pot. Depends how you look at it. OK. We all know my informative years were in the early 70's. I missed the 60's. Darn it! But I lived in a small town, so it took the 60's awhile to get there. I think. I was never very good at math. So what do white chocolate blueberry

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Italian Nachos and Pay it Forward

A year and a half ago when I published this chicken recipe, I received this comment:

BizFebruary 24, 2013 at 7:01 PM

I made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious! I left out the onions because they are gross, and used two giant bone in chicken breasts, but the results were amazing - super tender chicken, crispy skin and melt in your mouth potatoes.Thanks for the recipe for this

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

Honey and Cream Baked Bread and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

There aren't too many things sweeter than honey-except perhaps your own honey! Whole Foods is promoting honey this summer and one can't promote honey without promoting bees.  This honey and cream baked bread is sure to hit the spot. Thank the honeybee for about one third of your diet. Bees pollinate more than 100 different crops in the US today and bees are disappearing at the rate of

Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Everything But the Bagel Scrambled Eggs and a Real Breakfast

Breakfast is one of my favorite meals, when it is a REAL breakfast. Often times it is just oatmeal or yogurt, which is fine, but to me, it just isn't a REAL breakfast. A REAL breakfast has eggs, and toast and hopefully potatoes and bacon or sausage or biscuits or waffles or pancakes or even French toast. And fresh OJ. Well, fresh OJ doesn't happen often and often enough REAL breakfasts

Senin, 21 Juli 2014

Halloumi and Oregano Shrimp Or Pass the Fried Cheese, Please!

It has been a long time since I visited Chicago. I miss it. Not only do I miss the wide open spaces-well, there used to be-on the drive from O'Hare to Kankakee, but I miss Chicago itself. I love the Windy City and finally I will be visiting again, but it won't be until January. Not exactly the best time of year to experience Chicago, but family obligations wait for no one! I believe we'll go

Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

What's For Dinner or Wild Mushroom Grilled Pizza

It's 4:30 and I have no clue what I am making for dinner. This happens most nights, I do admit. Last week before leaving for Phoenix, I made this grilled pizza on na'an bread. The week before I made this same pizza for an appetizer for happy hour. Maybe tonight I will make this pizza again, but I am out of mushrooms. Shoot! It is a good pizza.

Now I'm not one to post a lot of pizza

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

Red Onion, Blueberry and Pesto Tart and All's Well

So here it is, the middle of July and I am heading to Phoenix for a few hot days. And I mean hot. I hate leaving Colorado in the summer, but it has been hot, even here. My parents are downsizing and moving into a house less than half the size of what they are now in. They are moving to a senior living community and honestly, I think there should be a better name for these places. You might

Selasa, 08 Juli 2014

Oh My My and My Mom's Secret Cole Slaw Recipe

Oh my my. 

 My head is in a tizzy and my mom's secret recipe is no longer a secret. But then if you read the last post her ice cream habits are not either! What isn't a secret is that Alex is finally off to China. After two years of working hard, he has finally flown away. For a brief 15 minutes we worried that he wouldn't make his flight leaving from Denver, as Southwest had

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

Maple Salted Macadamia Ice Cream and Ice Cream Memories

Anyone that has looked at the calendar today, knows it is July 1st. Besides being very close to my official halfway point of summer, it is also the beginning of national ice cream month. Now that's a fact you need to know, right? I used to think ice cream season started around daylight savings time. That was when my parents used to take us to the Dairy Queen, which was a big deal. It was

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Miso Pepper Tuna

 Who doesn't like a good steak? Well, a lot of folks and I'm one of them.  I was raised on a lot of beef (my grandfather and uncle were both butchers), but for the last 7 years I haven't eaten moo moos. No need to go into details, but other than missing burgers, I don't really miss meat.  I do admit to missing the smell of a good roast in the oven though, especially on the coldest days of

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

5 Minute Raspberry Rose Jam - An Awe Inspiring Moment

And so it is that sometimes I surprise myself. I'm not talking about something awe inspiring like climbing Mt. Everest. Or even Long's Peak. No, I'm talking about something as simple as making jam. I've tried and tried and other than my strawberry balsamic black pepper jam, I've never had great success; with jam making that is. We have had plum trees and a peach tree and even a cherry tree,

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Corn and Green Chile Chowder or Thank Goodness for Corn

Some days do not have gold or platinum linings. Some days do not have even silver. Some days just have corn. And thank goodness for corn. (I also could have used the word potatoes. As in thank goodness for potatoes. But I digress, because today is about corn.) Maybe tomorrow there will be potatoes. Of course, I could have added potatoes to this chowder, because then it would be chowder, which

Jumat, 13 Juni 2014

New Style BBQ or 3 Twists on Old Favorites

After looking at this photo I realized it doesn't look too out of the ordinary. Kind of your typical old fashioned bbq on a plate. Corn, slaw and chicken. I'm down! Truth is though, it isn't quite like that. Sometimes I think outside the box and need something a bit less traditional. I never know what I'm going to come up, but in this case it turned out pretty good.

And why I am calling

Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Blackberry, Blueberry, Basil and Brown Butter Cobbler

Simple, quick and easy to make is one way to describe this cobbler. Most cobblers are straight and to the point, with a layer of fruit on the bottom and a cobbled floury top. This cobbler is definitely quick to make. It is definitely easy to make and there is where the similarities stop! One look at the above ingredients and one realizes this is not your average Joe cobbler. Not that

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

And So It Is and Grilled Lemon Shrimp Pasta

 What do they say about good intentions? Ah well, I don't think I have to worry about hell, but I do have a lot of recipes piling up. It appears that my ability to juggle kids and the comings and goings of said beings, has interfered with getting these recipes to you! In my younger days when said kids were younger too, my organizational capabilities were at their height. Since they have

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Overnight Mexican Egg Casserole

 Weekends call for relaxation in my book. Of course, this applies when there is no gardening or laundry, so for me this weekend doesn't qualify. But last weekend sure did! You already know that Alex and Zoe were home and because of that I made sure to not have anything to do! I like to spend all of my time with them. I'm not sure it always works that way on their end, but they give it a

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Red Canyons and Black Bottom Cupcakes

 Sometimes I think spring break was invented just so I would want to go to college. Of course, I didn't know that until I went to college, but I have to admit that upon graduating college, (yes, I did!) I really missed spring break. It took about 10 more years in the work force and then 5 more years before my kids were old enough, to start back down the spring break road. And now I miss

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Cauliflower Chutney for the Girl Who Doesn't Like Mango!

So you think you want the cauliflower chutney recipe? I admit I thought it was a bit odd to pair with crab cakes but since Tribeca Grill did...well, it was worthy of a try. Yes, I must admit that they know what they are doing and they are certainly way more creative than me. I would have been happy with French fries but sometimes it's good to shake things up. Yes, you all, this chutney

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Time for Crab Cakes!

Something about the smell of spring always finds me needing crab cakes. It appears to be a biological urge related to my pregnancy, about 24 years ago. Yes, I know it sounds weird. I also "needed" McDonald's small cheeseburgers, that now I would probably throw up if I had a bite. The same street also found me at a Chinese restaurant needing sesame chicken. And I kid you not; that was the best

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

NanaCakes Chocolate Banana Bread and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway!

Every now and then it is nice to have a helping hand in the kitchen. I'm not necessarily

talking about an extra pair of hands-though those would be nice-I'm talking about something that would help take breakfast, lunch and dinner decisions off my plate. At least every once in awhile. Let's face it-even the best of us get in a rut here and there. So, it was with anticipation that I

Jumat, 09 Mei 2014

Every Mom Needs a Gardener!

It's not Mother's Day yet, but I'm getting ready. There will be no kids to bring me flowers or make me breakfast this year, but that's OK, I understand. Really, I do. Really, really, I do. Yes, I do. Maybe a card will come in the mail, but yes, life does move on and I do get to see them both soon and I just saw them a few weeks ago, so I'm not complaining. But I did love Mother's Day when

Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Hearts of Palm, Avocado and Orange Salad or Have a Heart!

So you want something to go with that Peruvian chicken? Or maybe something to impress Mom on Mother's Day?  After all, hearts of palm are really the heart of the palm tree. They are the inner core of various palm trees and are now cultivated so that the entire palm tree doesn't have to be destroyed for our enjoyment! And yes, some of us know them as swamp cabbages.

 I'm not sure when I first

Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Grilled and Lightly Smoked, Peruvian Chicken and a Chile Spice Rub

I know summer is almost here because I've already had to fill the grill with gas. Or should I say, Manservant had to fill the grill with gas. Yes, the first nice days of Spring found me grabbing the first chance I had and heading to the grill. Hopefully, by now warmer days have found you and your grill is starting to see some action too. 

So after my last post with Green Sauce you are

Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Voodoo in the Air and Peruvian Green Sauce

The last week has been a blur. Or should I say, the last week and a half? It took awhile to get things back to "normal" after coming home to paint dust and splatter. I cleaned each and every cabinet out and was happy with my work. Yes, I still have the refrigerator to do but cabinets that haven't been cleaned inside, in probably years, are finally clean again. There is a certain sense

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Macaroons, Version 2 and Hot Times in the Desert

I came back with a tan-how's that for a hot opener? It feels so good. And now it is back to the routine, as my father says. I think he lives for the sake of routine. I, on the other hand, have a hard time with that path. Not that I don't have a routine, but mine is always ready to be broken! Phoenix was beautiful and the weather was perfecto. Passover was glorious. My kids were there and what

Jumat, 11 April 2014

Cheese and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

Little did I know that April is grilled cheese month. I'm not that organized and as far as I'm concerned every month is grilled cheese month. For that matter every day could be grilled cheese day...But where did this love of grilled cheese begin? I really don't know. As a child I hated cheese because all we had in our home were slices of American cheese, wrapped in cellophane. I remember

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Flourless, Gluten Free, Passover Fudge Cake and My Passover Menu

Ach! Such a crazy title for a very simple cake. I'm not sure when flourless chocolate cake became the rage, only to be followed by little molten lava cakes, but I know that every restaurant seems to have one or the other on their menu. And just like they are everywhere so are the numerous recipes that extoll their virtues. I'm not sure how old I was when my mother gave me the recipe for her

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Matzoh Grilled Cheese with Basil, Anchovies and Lemon!

Where have these been all my life? Growing up, my matzoh sandwiches consisted of butter and matzoh. Maybe some jelly. Probably strawberry or raspberry or apricot. I don't recall our home ever having grape jelly. I do not know why. The grape jelly question came up when my daughter asked why we never had grape jelly. I think she was 16 when she asked it. Apparently that is the most common

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Za'atar Chicken Flatbreads with Chickpeas and My Little Black Book

Ever since I started blogging I've kept a little black notebook in the kitchen so I can actually write down the dishes I've cooked and their measurements. My little black book might be a bit dull if you are hoping for lots of phone numbers and special contacts, but I'll bet my book is much tastier than THAT kind! I'm only sorry that I didn't do this throughout my years of cooking,

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Shakshuka Eggs in Purgatory

My love affair with Shakshuka began on Thanksgiving. Amidst the chaos of cooking for the big day, my son decided to cook eggs for everyone. Not that there were too many of us around, but I am always a bit stressed until the big meal is ready. And as many of you might know, Thanksgiving does involve a bit of cooking. Breakfast with Alex usually means starting about 11 AM. It means removing

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Saffron Chicken and What a Sick Person Eats

The high winds blew me from Phoenix to Denver yesterday. Manservant picked me up at the airport and then we made our way to happy hour. Happy hour is not something we normally do but being St Patrick's Day and the fact that I really was home, prompted us to stop off at McCormick's for some good deals. They had mussels steamed with Guinness in honor of the day, which I can't wait to try at

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Irish Corned Beef, Potato and Cabbage Pie Plus a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

This week found me unexpectedly in Phoenix taking care of my mother who just had back surgery. She hopefully is now cured of her sciatica pain and soon should be able to do a jig! After all, it's almost time to dance a jig, for St. Patties Day that is. Spring will hopefully, soon be upon us and a sighting of green will surely be a sight to behold, at least in many parts of the country. Though

Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Cajun Fish with Pecan Butter and Browned Butter

 It has been a lot of years that this recipe has begged to be made. Something about it always sounded so enticing. So luscious. So nutty and rich. I never ate it in N'awlins. In fact, I've never eaten it before last Thursday. But I'm so glad I did. Make it, that is. And so is Manservant for that matter. This dish was just a hunk a hunk of burnin' love! (Don't know where that came from!

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Okra Shrimp Bisque - Who Said Okra?

Fat Tuesday is tomorrow and with all the recipes I've been posting lately, well, they are making me fat. Fatter. Forget I mentioned it. Time to switch gears a bit and get back to the basics. Not that the recipe today is basic. But it is good and maybe it is good for you. It does contain veggies and shrimp, and okra does have lots of fiber and it contains protein, too. It is also quick to make

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

#Matsuhisa and Mocha Cookies (It got a little better!)

The evening began with the pass off of fudge brownies filled with cookie dough and a bunch of coffee mocha cookies. (I keep my cookies in a giant zip lock bag so they stay moist. I can assure you that when the bag is opened it smells like a just brewed cup of coffee.) A Paul Prudhomme recipe produced these cookies and I have no idea what took me so long to bake them. This is an adult cookie,

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

It Doesn't Get Much Better than Fudge Brownies with Cookie Dough Filling

The weekend was supposed to find us watching Alex ski joring in Minturn outside of Vail. Due to mysterious reasons the event was canceled and we didn't get to see Alex on skis, being towed by a galloping horse, all the while going over small jumps and collecting large rings on his arms. Another event is scheduled next weekend in Leadville which we won't be able to attend. I will have to

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Salted Butterscotch Chocolate Tart or Gone, But Not Forgotten

Somehow it is Tuesday and I am still feeling Monday. Which means I am feeling a bit disorganized, but you know me by now, to know that don't you? My weekend was fine, actually more than fine. Saturday found me at the Denver Dog Show looking at these.

I'm in deep trouble, I know. Zoe had checked out Skye terriers (without me knowing) on Facebook and found a breeder that might be able to

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Macho Salad..I Mean, Really?

I've never thought of salad as feminine or masculine. Salad isn't quiche-remember how real men don't eat quiche? Or did they eat quiche? That was a long time ago. I can understand that a salad such as a pretty Bibb lettuce salad tossed with tiny mandarin oranges, sprinkled with lightly toasted almonds might be considered a bit more feminine then say, a taco salad loaded with meat. Does that

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Lemon Rose Madeleines, #Fair Trade Roses and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

Today everything is coming up roses. I wish I could believe that, but it is nice to look over and see a dozen, deep red roses staring me in the face. As many of you know the last two weeks have been tough for me  and flowers are a great way to brighten anyone's day. Whole Foods provided me with a dozen roses this month and is offering a $25 gift card so that you can go buy your own. You

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

George, King of Skyes and a Baby Burger

If you are a regular reader you might know that this blog began as a way to record recipes for my kids. And stories. And stuff. So this is a spoiler alert. There isn't really a recipe here unless you consider it a recipe for love. It's a real simple recipe. It requires 1 black Skye Terrier and a family of four. That's it. Plus about 11 years. That flew by. And also seemed to take forever.

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Orange Cacao Rub, Roasted Paiche and a #Whole Foods #Give Away!

What do I say about a prehistoric fish? I wish I could have Adam over at my local Whole Foods tell you. (He works in the fish department.) I asked him about this paiche and he spoke excitedly. "Love this fish. It's been very popular," he tells me. So pai-che was on my dinner table the other night. I even asked my neighbor to join us. Well, let me tell you with excitement, just like Adam, "

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Buttery Garlic Parmesan Potato Chips (Eat At Your Own Discretion!)

Consider this fair warning. These potato chips are addicting. They are deadly. They are damn good. Perfect for dip season. Or not. Perfect for hiding in the pantry with. Perfect for midnight gorging. Or closet eating. Don't say I didn't warn you. These are damn good chips.

I love potato chips. They are my vice and I shouldn't keep them in the house. And really I haven't bought them

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Thai Pork Dip or Don't Be a Dip

Go ahead. Look up the word dip. I've never realized just how many meanings there are for the word. My favorite from the Urban Dictionary goes like this: "Dip -  leave abruptly. To get the hell out of somewhere."  In this case at least, with this recipe, it would go something like this: "Quit being a dip. If you don't put that damn dip in front of me, I'm going to dip right out of here."

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Cincinnati Chili is Chocolate Lover's Chili

Shivering from the chill, she plunked down at the table and eyed the chili with a chilly look. "This sure looks like weird chili to me", she thought. The deep brown chili stared her down and dared her to chill out. "Just one bite of me and you will warm your bones and relax. For real. Let's do some chillin', " This chili muttered. (Well, that is, if chili could talk.) The air was filled

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Colorado's Best Hash or Need I Say More?

Let's be blunt. This ain't no street hash and it's not from an "edible store". This is the real thing. Totally on the up and up and you don't have to be 21. This is the best hash I've tried in a long time and you don't have to wait in line. Rich and full of flavor with lots of earthy notes. Gentle and hip and comforting all in one bite. Savory, sultry and mellow and perfect for a Sunday morn.

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

Mussels and Fries or The Princess and the Prince

 You probably saw this coming, right? The truth is that I made these months ago and never got around to posting them. I still haven't had my fries BUT we did hear from HR, formerly known as the officedom of WussMan. WussMan quickly became a hero after recovering from the flu, and now is ready to eat some fries. Just kidding. But he did send the offer. Finally! And it is good and soon my

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

White Bean, Bacon and Kale Soup and Dallas: Are You Working Today?

Manservant informed me for the third day in a row that he is out of coffee. He also tells me he doesn't NEED coffee. I believe that like I believe he's going to get a job offer any day now. The truth is that he doesn't want to run to the store to get coffee, because it is cold outside. Poor baby. We all know it is cold outside. Every damn channel is covering the cold, except the CNN person

Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Roasted Salmon with Roasted Vegetables or The First Work Day of The New Year

The first work day of the New Year has arrived and it isn't Monday. Sorry, but this really throws me off. I am a creature of habit and my brain isn't quite ready to handle this. The good news is that I've already passed hump day and I only have two days before the weekend. The bad news is I have so much to do.

I was kind of a slacker over the holidays. Not really though. In the last week