Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Seafood Paella

If compliments were worth money, I'd be a millionaire! This paella is the dish that garnered praise this time, which isn't surprising since it is courtesy of  Yotam Ottolenghi, of Jerusalem cookbook fame. I've written about a few of his recipes and I'm sure I'll be writing about plenty more (Plenty is also one of his cookbooks, as is Plenty More!). His cookbooks are without a doubt, some of

Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Cauliflower Salad with Hoummus and Tahini Dressing

Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables. Salad is one of my favorite foods. You know where this is going, right? Recently while scanning magazines, which it seems are piling up, I came across this fabulous take on a cauliflower salad. There isn't much to say about it, because frankly my mouth is full-of cauliflower that is. This is that good. It will have you taking bite after bite.

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

Corn and Grits Pudding with Green Chilies and Cheese

So Monday is upon me and I am so unprepared! Somehow I can be totally ready for everything I want to accomplish for the weekend, but then Monday hits and it takes me all of Monday to get ready for the rest of the week! Is anyone else like that? Maybe it is because Manservant is always flying somewhere and when he's home on the weekend I need him to help me accomplish all the tasks I can't

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Sweet Pea, Mango and Mint Salad

Before Spring passes us by, I must pass on this fabulous recipe for pea salad. I've always loved peas; whether it was the tiny LeSueur peas that came out of a can that my mom bought us as kids, or the green peas that came in the Swanson TV dinners. The only time I haven't liked peas is when the 4th grade boys used to shoot them across the cafeteria tables at the new chest ornaments adorning

Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Berries with Balsamic Vinegar and Pepper (A Fast Dessert) #WholeFoods #Giveaway

My favorite Spring dessert is berries. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries; they all  make me thing Spring. As their prices fall and they are sourced from places closer to me, they seem to become tastier. Whole Foods is one of my favorite places to find fresh berries. When looking for strawberries I try to find those that are all red, not those that have white tops. You know

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

The Libby Cocktail with Iced Tea Vodka and St Germain + an 80th Birthday Celebration

I've been holding out on you. If I've seen a bit distant, it's because I've felt a bit distant. Really. Since the beginning of February, I've been a party planner. At least a party planner for one party that took countless hours to plan. You see my father decided he wanted to have a surprise party for my mother's 80th birthday. He had never given her a surprise party and I guess that is one

Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Raspberry Crumble Tart

Lately I feel like I've been thinking in the color gray. Denver has been inundated with rain. And more rain. And then a few more thunder showers just for variety. I came to Denver years ago and one of the reasons I stayed was because of the sunny, dry days. I am not used to gray days which might be the reason I have been so attracted to all things spring, particularly in the grocery store.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Mandel Bread: Cinnamon Sugar or Chocolate, Apricot and Earl Grey

Hidden treasures are kept in shoe boxes. For some that might mean their favorite Jimmy Choo's or their collectible Nike's. Others keep love letters and hidden secrets. Kids keep their marble collections, Lego's or doll clothes. In my Omi's shoebox was Mandel bread, laden with cinnamon sugar and hidden between layers of wax paper. The box was brought out with tea served in tea cups, not mugs;

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Migas Scrambled Eggs with Tortilla Chips and Chorizo

May conjures up memories; in particular end of school memories. Let's face it. May always ended up in a blur. And then it was over. School was out and we all took a deep breath and breathed a big sigh of relief. It always seemed teachers would cram every possible thing that didn't get finished, into the last few weeks of school. I love teachers, but as a parent May was the month I cursed them

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


Today is May Day! (Well, it was when I wrote this, but this pup is keeping me busy! And it was a big event in Geordie's life. After all, one ear went up!)

 As children we used to gather pretty purple lilacs and yellow forsythias, tie them with ribbon, ring the neighbor's front door bell, whereupon they would open the door to find, probably some dead flowers. I don't know why we started

Rabu, 29 April 2015

Easy Raspberry Meringue Cake with Chocolate Ganache

The first time I made a meringue cake was during Passover. Flourless and usually dairy free, well, that is if you serve it with just fruit, meringues make a perfect, usually light dessert which makes them well suited after a heavy, filling meal. In this case, with a ton of chocolate and exquisite raspberry flavored filling, this cake made for a decadent affair. I think everyone kept the

Jumat, 24 April 2015

Crunchy Coconut Oil Granola with Pineapple and Cashews

This pina colada style granola is crunchy and crisp. Perfect for eating out of hand, sprinkled on yogurt or ice cream, or topped with milk. I often leave it on the counter for Manservant who grabs it by the handful. I can't claim that it is calorie free, but it sure is a good pick me up.

Since I posted my crack granola, I've kind of been on a granola whirl. I made it for a friend's daughter

Rabu, 22 April 2015

Rhubarb and Black Pepper Shortbread Bars

Last weekend found me in Chicago for another family occasion. I haven't seen this much family in years! There was not a spare moment to be had and I came home exhausted and playing catch up. It wasn't until Sunday afternoon that Zoe and I finally made it into the city. We set off on Michigan Avenue, took a few quick pics at Millenium Park,

grabbed some Garret's caramel corn and headed to

Kamis, 16 April 2015

Shrimp Salad Croissants

Shrimp salad croissants remind me of St. Augustine; old St. Augustine, the oldest continuously settled town in America. Why shrimp salad croissants? Well. A long, long time ago I can still remember when we drove to Jacksonville, Florida where Manservant had accepted his first real job, after completing his masters degree. It was 1981 which also was the year we got married. I remember

Selasa, 14 April 2015

Pineapple Guacamole with Chipotle and Tequila

Who doesn't love guacamole? As a child my mother would make it for special occasions such as Thanksgiving. I would never think of serving guac for Thanksgiving but back then finding a fresh avocado in the grocery was a big deal and so it became a big deal at holidays. Well, that is until she discovered artichoke dip and then that quickly became our favorite. She made her luscious green

Kamis, 09 April 2015

Matzoh Ball Soup and Passover 2015

Chicken Soup cures everything, some say. Well, I'm sure glad I had a bowl leftover from our Seder, because I needed some soothing. Between all the comings and goings, I now have an empty house and that is taking some getting used to. Sunday found Manservant leaving early for Sweden and almost not getting there because United wanted to hold him in the US since his passport expires in three

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Banana Granola Toasting Bread

The week has flown by with our mysterious visitor from China who comes and goes, that sometime we aren't even sure if he's home. It seems he's going more than he's coming and I'm missing him even though he's close by. I have tried to keep him well fed while he has been around, so  he can have a change from his normal diet of noodles and noodles, sold on the streets of Shanghai. His favorite

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Settembre Cellars and Bakers Brew Shortbread Cookies

Wine. Did someone say wine? It must be happy hour! I have never written a post about wine except to say how much I love to drink it.  Growing up when wine was quickly becoming a fashionable way to imbibe, I had a mother and father who quickly became wine connoisseurs. As good parents, they let us taste whatever it was they were opening that day. ( I quickly decided no more brown bag Boone's

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Pasta with Roasted Cauliflower, Raisins, Pine Nuts and Parmigiano Reggiano Plus a Giveaway!

                                      "Parmigiano Reggiano is best eaten daily." (A. Odenwalder)

 I've had a lot on my plate this week and I wish it was just this pasta. Spring cleaning is in full force since I found out that I am going to have a full house for Passover this year! It is hard to believe that Alex came home last Thursday night from China; I know; and he already left! He is

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Guinness Irish Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Bacon

The problem with some people is that
when they aren't drunk they're sober.--William Butler Yeats

Well, St. Paddie's Day will soon be here, don't you know? I'm not one to celebrate but for those that are, this breakfast grilled cheese might be a good way to start the day. Or end it, for that matter. I don't believe I've ever posted a recipe for a sandwich that many love, myself included.

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Pickapeppa Shrimp or 1 More Use for Pickapeppa Sauce

 During my informative years to the best of my knowledge, Kankakee, Illinois did not have bottles of Pickapeppa sauce available at the grocery. They certainly didn't at Weiner's Superette. Kankakee did not have parties where Pickapeppa sauce was dripped over blocks of cream cheese and served with crackers. The refrigerators in Kankakee did not contain bottles of Pickapeppa sauce lurking

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Hamantashen or Hamantaschen? And Purim! And Yiddish! What a Spiel!

Hamantashen who? It seems no one can even agree on the correct spelling. So, before we get started on these sweet three cornered pastries-let's kibbitz a bit. Hamantashen (which in Yiddish means-Haman's pocket's) are eaten traditionally during the Jewish festival of Purim, which takes place in early March. The original story took place over 2500 years ago in Persia when King Ahasuerus

Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Jamaican Patties or Stir It Up!

Yeah, man. It's a snowin' outside and I'm thinkin' Jamaica. Let's change the tone here and start with some music. Just do it. We all need a little jammin. So just click here and get your groove on while you are a readin'.

Hey man. It's been a way too many years since I've seen the blue ocean. Since I've felt the sand. Since I've seen the blue skies above while the salt water brushed my feet;

Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Barbeque Bean Soup with Sausage

Colorado has seen our fair share of beautiful days over the last few weeks, but our weather is getting ready to turn. The weather people are predicting a weekend full of snow. Of course, they have been known to be wrong but predictably the grocery store was filled with folks anticipating being dumped on. Now being dumped on is a good thing if you are in the mountains and prepared to ski.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

Mardi Gras Roundup of Recipes

My mind has been working overtime. I'm the type that over thinks things. Like how I soon might be getting another one of these. Puppies are due and I'm already thinking of names. Will it be pink or blue? Should I go buy a new bed or get out the crate, and how will little Freddie adjust? The weekend found me slumming at the dog show. Truthfully I could own one of each. I think I would have

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Beet Heart Salad with Maple Mustard Vinaigrette and a #WholeFoods Giveaway

Everything is coming up roses-at least that's how it feels in Colorado. Our weather has been incredibly warm and I'm almost not wanting winter to return. I'm sure it will, but in the meantime I swear my roses are starting to turn green; not a good thing so early in the season. So speaking of roses, (great segueway, huh?), Whole Foods has a great rose special for your favorite valentine. If

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

Scallops to Love and Weekend of Love!

                              "Sauteed scallops with garlic and lemon are a perfect way
                                          to begin a Valentine's Day dinner"

Love is in the air and isn't it fitting that I just arrived home from my cousin's wedding? Love was certainly evident in Phoenix as we began the weekend meeting Zoe at the airport, and then devouring Mexican food at Filiberto's,

Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

Tin Roof Chocolate Peanut Bars and Missing George

Some days, well, some days are just that. The last few days I've been waking up sad and very unfocused. I'm not saying that I'm the most focused person as it is, but I just couldn't quite figure out what's been bugging me. Manservant has his faults, but I knew it wasn't anything he did. (Well, I probably shouldn't look to hard!) Nope. It wasn't. And then I remembered. Not that I've forgotten,

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

10 Minute Burger Bread or Fast Food for Super Bowl

So you need something fast, but you don't want it to be the usual? I've got you covered. I made this bread countless times when my kids were in high school and they needed something for all those sport meetings we had to attend. It is quick, easy and adaptable, unlike a lot of those coaches we had to deal with. No, I do not miss those meetings at all. Tennis season made me cringe, swim team

Selasa, 27 Januari 2015

Shitake Stuffed Hatch Green Chile Enchiladas and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway

It seems I've been on a SUPER duper Mexican streak for the last few weeks. Green chilies are a SUPER favorite of mine and I'm always thinking of ways to use them. Whole Foods sells Hatch green chilies which is a SUPER thing, because when I run out of my fresh frozen ones, I will need a place to turn too! Luckily, I still have a ways to go...

My friends at Whole Foods have me thinking

Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Green Chile and Chorizo Bread or Barbarian Bing Bread

Are you ready? It seems that the last few weeks has found our Hatch chile friend, Preston, making the rounds. Lately, I've seen so many chile recipes out there and now there is one more. Mine also contains the home made chorizo that I mentioned in my last post but one could also use store bought. Just don't skip the Hatch chilies. I never say no to chilies even though my freezer is still full

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Chorizo - How to Make It and Eat It!

 Chorizo is so full of flavor and so easy to make, it is high time you try it yourself. I love sausages probably because I love the flavor that is infused into the meat. One can be so creative when it comes to cooking with them. In most cases it is totally acceptable to substitute ground turkey or chicken instead of pork or beef. The choice is totally yours. Standard recipes such as sloppy

Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup or Put Some Sunshine in Your Life!

The gray, dreary, totally sad excuse for days, has left me feeling in a bit of a funk. The need to rise out of bed is minimal except to meet the needs of the soft, little, shaggy creature, clawing at my bed. She wears a red, size 3T shirt, that says, "I love my mom." If that doesn't get you out of bed, what would?

Colorado is beginning to remind me a lot of growing up in Illinois,

Rabu, 07 Januari 2015

Roast Chicken with Saffron, Hazelnuts and Honey and Playing Catch Up!

Sometimes I feel like I've been playing catch up. When your life stops it takes awhile to catch up and that is what I'm doing. My life had been on hold for various reasons, some of which had to do with Manservant's travels and lack of work or to much work. Last year began my time of catch up, which I was more than ready to do. I could wax poetic on this, but my mantra to all girls just

Senin, 05 Januari 2015

What To Do with an Ugly Chocolate Fudge Loaf Cake and Happy New Year!

"What to do with an ugly cake!"

Zoe flew back to Philly yesterday, which meant I spent a day doing nothing. Before leaving we woke up early and she snuggled in my bed just to get in a few extra moments of each other's company. My daughter will always be my child no matter her age, and I am grateful for that. It was hard to let her go after being surrounded by so much love for two weeks,