Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

5 Incredibly Quick Appetizers and a Whole Foods Giveaway

Caesar Salad Crostini

I don't know about you, but I am tired of cranberries, and sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts. I am tired of turkey and maple anything and if I ate ham, probably ham. Add sugar to this list. I am so sugared out and I never thought I would admit that! I am almost ready for healthy food but I still have one more event to get through! Yeah. I know you know what

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

It's Snowing Sweets or Family Favorites

Chocolate Mint Crinkle Cookies

OK. I know you have already seen the above cookies. I'm not losing my mind, I promise. Think of today as a day without words. A quiet day, where one thinks in thoughts. Imagine if you will, all the sweets in the world without calories. Not a bad thought, eh? (I suppose then I'd find another vice and one that would probably be loaded with calories!)

Well, I

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Saigon Crunch #Chex Mix or I Did What?

There is something you need to know about me. I am not a Chex Mix kind of girl.  I'm not a pretzel girl, a Frito's girl, a Cheeto's girl or a Dorito's girl; though I admit to having had an affair with honey mustard pretzels, ever so briefly. I'm a potato chip girl and most any flavor is acceptable. So when Chex Mix contacted me and asked if I'd like to participate in a blogging event for

Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Soft Chocolate Crackles with Mint M and M's or I Should Have Baked These First

This week I've baked one coffee cake, one batch of chewies and three batches of cookies. Plus we received a box of fudge in the mail. Sugar is pouring out of our ears and Manservant is looking forward to January because he has no will power. To be honest, I was looking for a coffee cake that I made when my children were born 23 years ago. This wasn't it. But in that quest, I found the one

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Chicken Sofrito or Fry Me Lightly

 Baby, it's been cold outside. Today we are finally going to reach a high of 20 degrees. It will feel like summer, after what we've been through. Mind you, it's not like living in the Midwest. We at least have sunshine, which manages to give me a false hope that it is warm outside. That is until I poke my nose out the door and discover that it still hasn't warmed up.

You see my desk is on

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

Browned Butter, Cream Cheese, Apricot Rugelach or We Ate Them All

I  must confess. I made these for Yom Kippur with those cute kadaif coconut squares. I was too busy focusing on the kadaif that I forgot about these darling rugelach. I wanted to post them now since they are traditional for Hanukkah. Of course, I never knew they were traditional for Hanukkah because I never had them as a child. My mom didn't bake them and they weren't found in the big K3

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

Black Pepper Tofu or Intermission

I don't know about you, but I need a break-an intermission, so to speak, from turkey and cranberries and pumpkin. A break from stuffing and mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts. Ditto for the sweet potatoes. And the pies. Well, we didn't do pies this year...   I know all will come back as Christmas is not over, but right now-I need a break. And I'm not talking about a cookie break. (

Senin, 02 Desember 2013

Thanksgivingkuh 2013 and The Easiest Sugar Donuts

What was left of the sugar donuts, very sad photo, I know!

It came and went and won't be here for another 70,000 years. I know I won't be here then, so it was only fitting that we celebrate in style. Thanksgiving and our anniversary do coincide often enough...but never Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Some might call it a miracle-I just call it fun.

We ate. And ate. And I didn't snap many

Rabu, 27 November 2013

Tamale, Cornbread Dressing with Chorizo and the House is in a Frenzy

The kids are home. The laundry room is filled with wine. Cases of wine direct by way of Salt Lake City and Vegas and Vail and Napa. In no particular order. We are all exhausted, but happy. We are together and that feels good. Even the dogs know it. The chemistry is still there. Here. Whatever.

Today we are doing some more cooking. I'm not sure why that sentence contains the word  we.

Senin, 25 November 2013

Fresh Cranberry, and Apple Salad and We Had a Visitor

I've only served this salad to two people and both of them loved it. Salad doesn't often generate any comments from manservant, but this one did. "Look, I finished all that was left in the bowl!" as if he wanted a gold star. "I really liked this salad. Why can't you make more like this?" he asked. I served it to my daughter, who is now home, the next night. "This is a really good salad", she

Jumat, 22 November 2013

Maple Glazed Challah Rolls and A Winner!

You won't believe what just walked across my front yard. Yep, Mister or Missus turkey. It is freezing outside-like single digits, with about 2 inches of snow on the ground, but my turkey is foraging. I best find some food to sprinkle, but then it would be like feeding squirrels. Timely, huh? No pics-shoot, I'm still in my pj's! I've got a ton of stuff to do with Zoe arriving tomorrow and Alex

Selasa, 19 November 2013

She Ran and Ran and Lemon Thyme Biscotti Crackers

She ran 26.3 miles in three hours and fifty six minutes, in these shoes.

 I can barely walk 3.5 miles in one hour. She ran and ran and finished in the top 15% of women her age. I'm told that for a first marathon, she did incredible. I don't need to be told. She IS incredible. Her brother called her and told her not to let him down. She didn't.

We went to the expo to pick up her

Jumat, 15 November 2013

Savory Sweet Potato Latkes and Off To The Race

It's a really fast Friday but I wanted to give you a treat before I left. Zoe is running her first marathon in Philly this weekend so we are off to see her run in her neon pink pants. I hope this way we will spot her. I just dropped George and Freddie off at the vets and already miss them-but I'll be seeing my daughter and soon my son, too!

I love latkes and this year is a big year for

Rabu, 13 November 2013

Orange Bitters and Tequila Cranberries and a #Whole Foods $50 Gift Card #Giveaway!

                   (This is a sponsored post by Whole Foods.)

Life is  starting to feel a bit hectic. Though I always feel stressed, now I feel stressed and have a lot to do! Agh! Turkey season is really here and if you didn't know, all you have to do is look at the blogs and see the plethora of recipes for Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, cranberries, mashed potatoes, pumpkin, and anything

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Kadayif, Kadaif, Kanafe, Kanofa or Whatever you Want to Call It

It occurred to me that maybe some of you might seek out a Middle Eastern or Greek market searching for za'atar. If that is the case, you need to search for kadayif, too. I love Middle Eastern pastries. Now most of you are probably familiar with baklava and I love that. But another fun pastry that involves another type of fillo is called kadayif. I've posted about it before but wanted to

Rabu, 06 November 2013

Ma'aneesh or One Way to Get My Za'atar Fix

Oh my. I love za'atar. You know that, right? And I love baking bread, but I don't get to do that often enough. My fault, totally. I love flour and sugar and yeast. And I almost forgot the butter. But I think what I really love is the smell. There is nothing like the aroma of fresh bread baking. Think about it. It is one of those smells that says, "I know you want me. So come and get me."

Senin, 04 November 2013

Tortilla Espanola and Come Home to Mama

The leaves have fallen, the weather is getting chilly and November is here. It seems I count the days the kids have been gone and then like magic, before you know it, I'm on the countdown until they come home. I am so ready. Time flies when they are here, so like a good mother, I must be prepared. The house must be clean before the suitcases are dropped upon it. The coat hooks must be emptied

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Gingerbread Pear Upside Down Skillet Cake and Three Winners!

I know. You are probably looking at the above and wondering, trick or treat. I know. She looks like crap. Like she sat in the sun too long. She maybe got a bit burnt. But she didn't. And she isn't. Crap, that is.  In fact, she is really good crap. She happens to be one of the best cakes, I've made, well,  since my last best cake. We loved this cake-manservant and I. It is the perfect cake

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Smoky Pumpkin Hummus

Hummus is not my favorite dip, spread, whatever. That would have to go to my two old friends-onion or artichoke dip. However, I totally love hummus the Middle Eastern way. I've made the recipe from the Jerusalem cookbook and it is just like I like it. Creamy and fresh, not pasty and totally dip worthy. I even go to a Middle Eastern market, not too far from here, to buy fresh flatbread to

Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Chili Lover's Meatloaf and a #Whole Foods #Giveaway! (I bet you saw that coming!)

I've always dreamed of travelling the globe, living in other places, meeting lots of new faces, feasting all over, and serving food to all my new friends. Wouldn't that be the life? Well, I'm not going to Bali, or to China or even Mexico or Hawaii, but I am becoming an ambassador. I'm livin' the dream, baby! Don't I wish? 

But really-I've been asked to do some giveaways and write one post

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

How to Comment on a Blog (I think!)

Leaving a Comment isn't as Scary as Halloween.

  OK. I'm going to venture into territory that is not my area of expertise. Many of my friends ask how to comment. This shouldn't be so tough, but it appears it is. And after searching the internet it is also hard to find a good explanation for how to do this. So, I'm going to do my best and tell you how. I think... If anyone else knows how

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Simple Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal and Why I Blog

It's hard to believe I've been writing this blog for two years. I've learned a lot and hope anyone who reads this has too. And if you haven't learned anything, I hope you've at least enjoyed yourself! This is How I Cook began as a way to file my favorite recipes. Often the kids would ask how I made this or that and it would take me a long time to find what it is they were asking about.

Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

Not My Mama's Waldorf Salad

 Apple season is here and for me that means Waldorf salad. Now, this isn't the Waldorf salad that comes from the Waldorf Astoria in the Big Apple! Makes me wonder now how the Big Apple got to be the Big Apple seeing how this salad is so popular. (OK, I just looked it up and it has nothing to do with this salad. It has to do with horses. That's all I'm going to say.)

 It's been around

Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Balinese Chicken or Take Me Away!

 Take me away - to Bali. Please.

 Leave it to manservant to leave the taxes to October 15th. He mailed them at 11:50 PM last night. I am exhausted. I was entering bank statements for 3 days because he sprung this upon me, very last minute. I deserve a trip to Bali. Right?

 Ahhhh-well, it's been a crazy year. But I would be happy to do taxes if it meant a trip to Bali.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Barramundi White Fish with Mushrooms and Browned Butter

I hate to say it, but it is not often I attract manservant's attention. The banana cake did it and this fish did, too. Seems kind of funny that this simple preparation of fish and mushrooms would catch his eye-but it did. And that is a good thing, because this is really quick and easy to prepare. Perfect for a busy day when one is too tired to do much cooking. I love baked fish because rarely

Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Banana Cake with Nutella Frosting, Fudge Sauce and Malted Chocolate Crumbs - or more from Milk Bar

 "You want me to make a choice?" manservant exhaled, with the fork still in his hand. It wasn't like I was making him choose between Penelope Cruz or Angelina Jolie, for God's sake. No, I just wanted to know which birthday cake he preferred. Our standard, triple layer, chocolate fudge cake or the new one set before him made from components of the Milk Bar cookbook. Was it the banana

Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Spinach Salad with Za'atar, Dates, Almonds and Fried Bread

The salad is not often given  much respect. Bags are ripped open - processed dressing from a jar poured on - boxed croutons...People, we can do better. Growing up,  bottled dressings or Good Seasons or buttermilk ranch from the packet were the norm. Now we have so much more to work with!  I  remember my mom making a vinaigrette that she doused her head lettuce salad with. And I do mean

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Friday Favorites

I did not take this!

It's been awhile since I shared some new things with you from the SOCIAL NETWORKS. And the BLOGS. And all that stuff that just floats around in the webosphere. So here goes.

Shout Outs!

The first goes to Net.Savvy at fiverr.com  I don't know if anyone noticed my (just a little bit to big) pink buttons at the top of my sidebar. I kept trying to add them so that whoever

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Linguini with White Clam Sauce and Howard Johnson's

 Howard Johnson's is not a place I frequent very often. In fact, I'm not sure I've been to one since I was an under age teenager in Kankakee. For that matter, I'm not even sure Ho Jo's still exists. But when it did-well, let's just say it sufficed. I have good memories of Howard Johnson's.

It looked something like this!

(In case you have no idea what I'm talking about-Howard Johnson's

Senin, 23 September 2013

Cajun Potatoes and the Emmy's

  In my heart, I am a simple girl, though I am sure to others, I might appear complicated.Whatever. It's Monday and I'm not into quibbling, so let's not. Last night I watched the Emmy's. Now, keep in mind, I really hardly watch TV except when the Olympics are on, or a really good movie. I can get into some of the HBO series and the AKC kennel club dog show in Februrary and some of the

Jumat, 20 September 2013

Boulder Ice Cream, White Chocolate Crumb, Hot Fudge, Sundae and A Giveaway

 Not that long ago, Boulder Ice Cream wrote to me and asked me if I would like some coupons for free ice cream. We are talking ice cream here, folks and I knew manservant would never forgive me if I turned down ice cream. Especially free ice cream.  I'd bought Boulder ice cream before because they have such great flavors and a cute little label. 

What I like about their ice cream is

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Potato Kugel (Ilse's One and Only, Not for Passover, No Eggs, To Die For Potato Kugel)

The above is a very long title because it is hard to put into words the truth about this potato kugel.  Honestly, I wish I knew the truth. Kugels, usually made from potatoes or noodles, are often served as a side dish on Shabbat. The word for kugel in German means sphere, globe or ball. Ilse's kugel is made in a round shape though most kugels now, whether noodle or potato are usually

Selasa, 17 September 2013

Chicken with Figs, Pumpkin and Red Wine or Yes, it's Fall

Yom Kippur has ended and officially my new year has begun.  Actually, this is a new year until January 1, when if this new year isn't going so right, I get a second chance at another new year. It's good being Jewish! You get to make resolutions twice, in case the first set didn't take! I hope I've been written down in the book of life, and I sincerely hope I haven't offended

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Barbecued Shrimp and the Challah is Rising

The challah dough is rising, the rugelach dough is in the fridge and the kadaif is thawing. Plus the chicken soup is in the freezer. And  now I'm giving you a recipe for spectacular, truly not kosher, shrimp. Yeah, it seems strange to me, too. I was raised in a small town with maybe 80 Jewish families, and no one that I know of kept kosher. My grandparents to my knowledge, never ate pork or

Senin, 09 September 2013

Corn Bread Blueberry Bread Pudding or What To Do with Leftover Corn Bread

 After 18 days of non stop company, my head is full. Bursting, actually. And if you could call my daughter company, well yes it is a stretch, but when you get used to someone not being home for awhile, it gets tiring squeezing everything in. I'd have her move back in a nanosecond. I miss her and I hate the quiet in my house. A lot. Well, most of the time. Okay. It is good to have a break.

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Chocolate Lava Cake And a Birthday

 A long, long time ago or once upon a time, (but it really doesn't matter as this fact is not essential to the story), two people met at college and fell in love. After 4 years of dating, 3 college degrees and a move to Florida, they got married. They traveled and worked and had dogs. They ate and cooked and made lots of friends. They moved back to Colorado and were very happy but something

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Donburi Bowl or Fast Friday

My in-laws came this week. Does that explain why today's post is short? They usually come up from Texas this time of year; so they can go to a  Colorado campground for Labor Day and stay there until October. Our home is their parking ground until they move on. Luckily, our neighbors never seem to mind this giant RV and pick up truck parked in front of our home, decorating our lawn with  

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Crispy Chipotle Shrimp and Corn

 Summer's end is quickly approaching and I still have so much more to do. Yes, we are still fighting rabbits but their numbers have decreased considerably thanks to rabbit catcher. Our yard is looking fairly good thanks to his hard work and my suggestions?. Though we didn't have a garden this year, hopefully next year will bring better things into our life and our mouths!

Yesterday I

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Cream Cheese Pound Cake - Or If I Were A Cake...

 I think, if I were a cake, I would be this cake. Don't get me wrong, I love my chocolate, but I would want to be something basic, something reliable, something strong. Something you could dress up and take anywhere or be perfectly happy with having all to yourself. At home, on the couch, or in bed, and especially at a picnic. Yes, I would be this cake. It has withstood the test of

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013


 Please forgive me. What I am about to share with you must be kept in strict confidence. There are many things I need to tell you and I really should update my bio page, which I promise I will do soon. Back to  sharing. I LOVE bacon. I do not know when this began because I hated bacon as a child. I remember my dad cooking it and the smell alone gagged me. I remember looking in the pan and

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Old Fashion BBQ Chicken or What Summer Smells Like

 Growing up across the street from a popular park meant that our neighborhood always smelled good. Really. We were always able to catch the drift of what was cooking somewhere in our vicinity. Was it hotdogs or hamburgers, possibly steak or most likely, bbq chicken. It was always fun scouting the park, looking for friends, while also checking out everyone's picnic table. The red checked

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Chocolate Cherry Chocolate Crumb Cookies

 One good thing about gray, chilly days, besides not being hot, is that they offer themselves up as cookie days. They kind of scream at you, "Perfect day to bake cookies!", don't they? Well, they do me. It is a damn good thing I don't live in Seattle because I'd probably weigh 500 pounds!  Last week we had a gray, chilly day so I decided it was high time to bake cookies. I love baking

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Blueberry Chicken Pesto Salad or Fast Friday

 I, like really, did not plan on making this. I really planned on going out for dinner but our budget had different ideas. And so it is that I found myself scrounging in the fridge at 7PM trying to make something that would satisfy me. Truthfully, I think a potato would make me happy but rabbit catcher wants to avoid those white things. In any case, I found myself with leftover

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday or Red Chile Chicken Enchiladas

 This is the whole enchilada. Well, not really. One could write a book with a recipe each day for a different enchilada. There are beef enchiladas and chicken enchiladas. Cheese enchiladas (my fave) and black bean enchiladas. New Mexican enchiladas, Tex-Mex enchiladas...  I have a recipe for a shitake enchilada that I can't wait to try. Cover them with red chile or green chile, mole

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Coconut Rum Tres Leches Cake and A Special Request

 I'm really good at special requests. And they make me feel so special. I mean no one asks you to do something unless they think you can do it- right?  And that, to me, is flattering. I get it all the time in my small business because all I do is custom work. Now that wedding season is upon us I am doing lots of custom gifts for people needing special gifts. Generally, I take

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Quinoa with Chimichurri Sauce

Today finds us in Argentina being served an enormous grilled steak doused in chimichurri. The grill is burning, the smell of meat is in the air and this green, herby, garlicky sauce is being poured liberally over my meat and served to me by a handsome gaucho with massive arms and a cute tush. Don't I wish? Truth is, I don't eat meat anymore but I can assure you that if I was being served

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Strawberry Spiral Biscuit Pie and Which Road to Take

 Sometimes it is hard to start a Monday.  Other weeks I can wake up raring to go. But sometimes it is just hard. Choosing the right direction in life isn't always about the compass. It's about passion and love and common sense. And learning how to stand on your own two feet. It's the common sense that makes our choices so tough. Some days common sense just slides right on by, but our

Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Amazing Black Pepper Strawberry Jam or Mrs. Ingalls, I Am Not!

 My dream life requires me to have an open pantry lined with jars of  glassy preserves and shelves of  dill garlic pickles and canned red heirloom tomatoes. And last but not least; fresh honey.There is something about that vision of neatly stacked, colorful jars that makes me feel so orderly, so secure, so well taken care of. That same dream also has loaves of fresh, warm bread

Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday or Lemon Oregano Pesto

I'm ready for a little joy and hopefully this pesto will do the trick. Oros ganos, a Greek word meaning joy of the mountain, defines the mountain sides of Greece where oregano and marjoram flourish. The sweet, spicy scent was created by Aphrodite as a symbol of happiness. Marjoram is in the same family as oregano and not quite as strong in flavor. Bridal couples were crowned with garlands of

Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

Teriyaki Shrimp or Glaze and Grill

Teriyaki is the Japanese cooking technique of marinating, and then grilling and glazing, usually chicken or fish. It is believed to have originated in the States, though the word teri  means luster and yaki means broil or grill. Originally it contained four ingredients-mirin, sake, sugar and soy sauce. A worthy combination but one that has been somewhat Americanized as it has become quite a

Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Triple Berry Hand Pies and What a Girl Must Know

I love pie because I love crust. I love pie because I love filling. But there are certain pies I just don't like. I don't like lemon meringue. I don't like lemon and I don't like meringue. Double whammy. Horrors. And I don't think I'm a big fan of cream pies. Never had a banana cream pie. Think I've had a coconut cream pie. Of course I do like anything chocolate but don't put meringue on it.

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday (Remoulade or Tartar with Old Bay)

There appears to be some discrepancies when it comes to deciding what to call this sauce. You can call it what you want, but I'll just call it good. French fry dipping, good. Crab cake topping, good. Fish sandwich topping, good.  Grilled fish topping, good. And even steak tartare topping, good. I've been making this for years without writing down  the recipe and every time I make it

Senin, 01 Juli 2013

White Beans and Red Peppers

 Where for art thou, my bottle of wine? Chilled and light and green, my favorite Pinot Grigio or perhaps my Portuguese Vino Verde with your tiny, teeny, bubbles of sparkles? I need you for this appetizer. I need you for this appetizer which is really dinner on a hot summer's eve. I need you because you help me relax and enjoy the slowness of the season.  I need you because with you I

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday/Wednesday or Jamaican Jerk

After a whirlwind weekend wedding we attended in the mountains, we awoke in our superb accommodations to help my son pack his last car and SUV load of belongings for the drive to Denver. After a longer drive than usual we quickly unpacked the SUV and ran it to Costco for new tires. In that time I also cooked dinner and started the washing machine while he started going through his

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Feeling A Bit Blue Today or Blueberry Nut Bread

Blueberry Nut Bread

  I'm feeling a bit blue today and it isn't because I discovered this blueberry bread in the fridge this morning. I had made several last week and gave one away to my neighbors but somehow this one was still hiding in its loaf pan on top of the eggs. It kept well and is still moist and good. Blueberry bread is perfect with your tea or coffee, as an afternoon snack,

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday or Peanut Party Sauce

 Years ago when my kids were wee ones, I discovered peanut sauce. Or maybe it was they discovered peanut butter and then I discovered peanut sauce. I'm not a big fan of peanut butter though I do get cravings now and then, particularly when I'm sick. Go figure. When I'm down and out I like peanut butter spread lightly on toast, (preferably Pepperidge Farm or challah) and then lots of

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Summer Corn Pasta with Burrata

Summer Corn Pasta with Burrata

 There are many days I find myself getting caught up in being busy. Sometimes, busy for busy's sake, and that's not good for any of us. But last week, I did clean the garage by taking everything out and sweeping and then power washing the floor. Impressed, huh? Well, then you must be easily impressed. I also cleaned the basement which I hate more than

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Real Potato Salad for Real Dads

Real Potato Salad

Potatoes love me and the feeling is mutual. I can eat potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and of course, in between. My favorite junk food is potato chips or fries, but I haven't had many of those lately. I've often felt that if I had to, I could live on potatoes, just potatoes, but I hope it doesn't come to that. 

It is hard to mess up the potato, though I suppose

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday (Turkish Coffee BBQ Sauce)

Turkish Coffee BBQ Sauce

Cardamom is the world's third most expensive spice, right behind saffron and vanilla. To tell the truth I've never really had cardamom, at least that I know of. Like za'atar, cardamom seems to be popping up on everyone's blogs. I've seen it in peaches and cherry ice cream. It is essential to Indian cooking and is found in Scandinavian desserts. Apparently the

Senin, 10 Juni 2013

Texas Sheet Cake

The rabbit catcher is from Texas. Houston to be exact. A long u please.. That's how they all say it when they talk and catch up, y'all. We met in Colorado where we both moved to escape our various climates and to go to school. Yes, I did go to school, kids, even if I met your daddy there. And I did graduate and not just with an MRS as some like to say. And thirty some years later we are

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Fast Friday and Oatmeal Crunch

Friday is upon us. So let's make this fast. I need to finish cleaning my house and  run to the grocery and buy some ingredients for my Vietnamese chicken salad dinner.  I've been on a Vietnamese kick this week probably because of my visit to the Asian grocery. Visiting there means I get to buy such wonderful produce at such inexpensive prices. OK-cheap. I wish it was closer. All this so I can

Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Meatball Noodle Bowl or I Love Vietnamese Noodle Bowls

Vietnamese Meatball Noodle Bowl

 The first time I had Vietnamese food was in 1986. OK, give or take a few years on either side. It was in the fall and it was chilly outside. We had to debate whether to wait, (as the line was out the door) or to find somewhere else to spend our dimes. Wait we did and as we edged slowly inside we found ourselves in the pass through where the food comes out

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Give Me Some Sauce Tuesday (North Carolina BBQ Sauce)

North Carolina BBQ Sauce and Pulled Pork

Memorial Day has come and gone. My yard that was supposed to be weed free, trees trimmed, waterfall working and all chores completed is nowhere near ready for summer to begin. Officially, I have now chosen the  first official date of summer, June 21st, to try to meet my yard deadlines. By that time, veggies will be in, seeds planted, dead trees cut

Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Kohlrabi (Fennel) Cabbage Salad with Lemon Maple Dressing and a Modern Menu

Grandma Fanny died 5 months before I got married. It was totally unexpected and planning a wedding was bittersweet without her. In fact, we didn't even have the chance to tell her we were engaged.  Though Grandma Fanny wasn't at my wedding she left me a bountiful array of gifts in the form of cookbooks and a Kitchen Aid mixer. I received the best collection of old ORT and Haddasah cookbooks

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Pico de Gallo or Salsa Fresca or Forget the Chips and Give Me a Spoon!

Salsa Fresca or Pico de Gallo

 I admit that whenever I experience a new Mexican restaurant the first thing I judge is the quality of their chips and salsa. Poor salsa doesn't leave me wanting to forge ahead but generally I must. And then when I think of that restaurant the first thing I think about is that poor, tasteless salsa. Or maybe it is old salsa. Or salsa made with ingredients

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Grilled Chicken Rub or Fast Friday!

Grilled Chicken Rub

  It's Friday! And it's warm outside! I am ready to get this weekend started. Are you with me? So let's keep this short, sweet and to the point. This is a great rub for grilled chicken. You can use skin free chicken or you can keep the skin on. I'm easy. If you keep the skin on which will keep your chicken juicier, rub this under and on top of the skin. We are talking

Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

My Mama's Chicken, Artichoke, Mushroom Casserole

  Life has a way of letting us know when we need to slow down. The most obvious seems to be illness and then many of us come to a complete stop. That was the case with my mom who has been in bed for over a month now. One day she was feeling fine and the next moment - BAM! After a few weeks of being flat on her back with only my dad to nurse her I was called in to the rescue and it was

Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Fresh Strawberry Crepes

The first strawberry grown in a garden was in the  late 18th century in France. Before that they were primarily used for medicinal purposes. Thank goodness someone recognized that strawberries can be appreciated just for being a strawberry. I hate to think about missing out on the wonders of this remarkable red berry. 8 berries have more vitamin C than an orange. The little strawberry

Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Tomatoes, Shrimp and Grits or One Man's Grits is Another Man's Truffles

Swanky and Cheesy Shrimp and Grits

I tried to cook grits long ago, when I married a man from Texas whose mother grew up in Mississippi. It wasn't just that my husband, Mr. Rabbit Catcher, liked grits. It just seemed a proper thing to be able to do. After all I had married a somewhat Southern man, or so I thought. Growing up in Illinois, grits were not on any menu that my eyes had ever set

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

Belgian Liege Waffles or Not Just Any Waffle

Belgian Liege Waffle

 A waffle is a waffle is a waffle. Well, I might be waffling here, but not really. There are waffles and then there ARE waffles. If I had my choice I would choose this waffle. Now hear me out. This waffle is a yeast raised waffle but don't let that scare you. It's not like you have to knead this which I'd never suggest first thing in the morning. No, this waffle has

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

Run Like the Wind or a Quick Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cake and Pinwheels!

 Race Day is now behind us and surely the next race is yet to come. It appears recovering from tendonitis needs to happen before she can think about San Francisco. My daughter, the runner. Who ever would have thought? Not me. But competitive she is. Not only did she surpass the goal of raising $2500 per runner she had her PBR or personal best record as

Senin, 29 April 2013

Portuguese Chicken Stew and My Le Creuset French Oven

 I know what you are thinking. What is a French oven? Imagine my surprise when I went to the Le Creuset site and found out that a Dutch oven is just a cast iron pot used for cooking over a campfire. A french oven, on the other hand is a cast iron pot with a perfectly domed lid, that helps to keep the interior of the pot warm and steamy. It is twice coated with the highest quality enamel

Kamis, 25 April 2013

Not My Mama's Meat Loaf or Cap'n Crunch Meat Loaf

Not My Mama's Meat Loaf

  The last 5 days found me on the East coast celebrating family. It began in Philly where my husband, son and I picked up our daughter before heading up north of NYC. Special doesn't begin to describe what it is when a family comes together that has been apart. Well, it might not seem so important to them, but to a mother who still hasn't gotten over her kids

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Brown Sugar Spice Cake with Caramel Glaze or Friendship Cake

Brown Sugar Spice Cake with Prunes and Caramel Glaze

 Baking a cake is something that happens rarely in our home. I love to bake but generally it is cookies or brownies or other sweets that appear on my plate. It is not that I don't like cake. I love cake but usually two people have a hard time finishing off an entire cake. Cookies can be frozen and well, it's just easier to pick up a

Senin, 15 April 2013

Some Days Require St Germain Lemon Aid

St. Germain Lemon Aid

Entering the blogger world is like entering a new dimension. It's a peaceful dimension where everyone is kind and polite and sweet and we are all good looking and of course, eat incredible food. It is kind of like being in 4th grade where the teacher makes everyone say something good about each student in the class and if there's a race in PE everyone gets a ribbon.

Kamis, 11 April 2013

My Favorite Red Chile and a Breakfast Sandwich

Red chile and a breakfast sandwich.

 It was a cold, gray morning here in Colorado. After the snow and freezing temperatures my poor hyacinths just didn't want to wake up. Their dark green leaves and their pink and purple flowers lay drooped in the dirt. But their scent is still strong and I am hopeful they will make a recovery. It is the only flower the rabbits ignore. But they better watch

Rabu, 10 April 2013

Not My Mama's Chicken Pot Pie

Not My Mama's Chicken Pot Pie

Let me start by saying that my mama never made chicken pot pie. She bought chicken pot pie.  And it was good. No, she never served pot pie for dinner but we did receive the cute mini pies when we were sick in bed or when the baby sittter was left instructions to serve it. Yes, the famous babysitter. The one who cut our Sara Lee brownies into 4 giant bites.  But

Jumat, 05 April 2013

Chocolate Brownies with Chocolate Glaze or Nobody Doesn't like Sara Lee

Chocolate Fudge Brownies with Chocolate Glaze

 Growing up my mantra might have been "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee!". If you know the jingle from  their television commercials I apologize for this being stuck in your head for the rest of the day. And even if you don't know the jingle I hope you know Sara Lee. Sara Lee was cheesecakes with cherries and graham cracker crusts all in a foil pan

Rabu, 03 April 2013

Moroccan Fish with Chickpeas and Saffron Lime Aioli or Another Skillet Dinner

Moroccan Fish with Chickpeas and Saffron Lime Aioli

 I'm not trying to become the skillet queen or anything close. But it is true that I am not a fan of dirtying too many dishes or utensils. My husband is grateful for that. However in the winter since I don't grill because of the cold, and I don't eat as many salads because I want something warm, I do tend to cook on the stove. I love

Senin, 01 April 2013

Simply Baked Green Chili Scrambled Egg Souffle

Simple Baked Green Chili Scrambled Egg Souffle

 This year has moved so slow but yet I look back and can't believe it is April. Many of you know we've been in a transition period.  My husband is finally living in the States again and hopefully soon having work to rely upon. Working overseas is great but when you come home, reestablishing yourself can be tough,especially when you come home

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

What am I? Chopped Liver!

Some days I feel like chopped liver. I mean I really feel like my liver has been chopped. Into tiny little pieces. Know what I mean? Some days I feel ground up, spit out and totally ignored. And on those days I just tell myself, "Get over it!" Sometimes it works. Sometimes I still feel like chopped liver. Overlooked. Second fiddle. But at least today I can eat it!

Yes, I agree.

Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

Charoses (Not as cute as Easter eggs!)

Charoses on Dried Apricot Halves

This week in blogosphere I am seeing a lot of eggs, bunnies and chicks all done in pretty pastel colors. I am also seeing lots of chocolate decorated with my favorite malted milk ball eggs that also come in those pretty pastel hues. I am sorry. Charoses does not look like this. But I can tell you it is most likely much healthier than those malted milk

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

15 Minute Greek Baked Shrimp with Feta

15 Minute Greek Baked Shrimp with Feta

Opa! It is time to celebrate Greece. 1976 found me there.  Our family started in Israel to celebrate my brother's Bar Mitzvah. After touring Israel we flew to Athens.  Imagine drinking coffee in the main plaza and tuning around and spotting your best friend from high school drinking coffee their, too. Totally serendipitous. She was there after spending

Senin, 18 Maret 2013

Will the Real Chicken Scarpariello Please Stand Up?

As of yesterday I'm not sure I had ever heard of Chicken Scarpariello, though I have heard of chicken with Italian sausage and peppers. In any case I'm not sure this is either. It appears that Chicken Scarpariello is a dish that contains chicken and hot peppers. Maybe mushrooms. Maybe wine. It is an Italian American dish and that's about as far as I got. Doesn't matter. What matters is

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

A Simple Sunday

Fun things to do for a Simple Sunday...

1. I need some balloons. I could be Making these right now.

2. I can never get enough love stories.

3. My cousin has been holding out on me.If you like intriguing photography and great captions, Check out her new site.

4. The next time I make cupcakes with Zoe,we are making these.

5. Don't forget. Pass this around. Zoe is running for a cure for

Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Dan Dan Sliders or Chinese Sloppy Joe

Dan Dan Sliders

 Did you see last month's Food and Wine issue where they used Pillsbury dough in the tube for a substitute for steamed buns of the Chinese dim sum kind? Well, I did. And I did it. Hard to believe that Pillsbury reduced fat biscuits are a perfect substitute for steamed buns. The recipe paired them with a pork belly type filling that is made with bacon. It was very good but

Senin, 11 Maret 2013

3 Ingredient Artichoke Dip and Chicken Artichoke Baguettes

Hot Chicken Artichoke Baguette

Writing a blog is time consuming. Don't get me wrong; I really enjoy it. But I'm not sure that readers always know what is involved. It may seem easy-writing, taking a few photos, bim, bam, bop, you've got it. But when you become addicted to the act of blogging, it takes some thought, too. How do you make it better? Technology always kills me. That I got

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Cupcakes for a Cure or Watch My Daughter Run

Shamrock Shake Cupcake

  Life isn’t always about
cupcakes-you know those happy free days where calories don’t matter, the sun is
always shining, a rainbow is overhead and a gentle breeze helps the trees make
that beautiful rustling sound. And probably the tulips are blooming and there‘s
a cute little puppy at your feet. No, on some days we need to keep track. We
need to take stock of

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Not My Mama's Chili Mac or Chili Three, Four or 5 Ways

Not My Mama's Chili Mac or 3, 4, 5 Ways Chili

My husband grew up in Texas. He loves chili.
(I don’t know if this is a Teyxas thing or not but I suspect it could be.) He
loves chili however many ways he can get it. He loves chili for breakfast,
lunch or dinner. He loves it with eggs. He loves it with burgers. He loves it in
a bowl sprinkled with cheese and onions and jalapenos. He loves

Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

10 Things To Do with Zoe

March is coming in like a
lamb. Yesterday I picked my daughter up at the airport. We bought her a ticket
way back in December for $168 to fly roundtrip from Philadelphia
to Denver for a
long weekend. She hasn’t been here since Thanksgiving and I’ve been having
daughter withdrawals. It is so good to have her home. I love just the smell of
her here. (I guess I better buy some of her

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Simple Blueberry Banana Baked Oatmeal

I love breakfast. I love
hash browns and scrambled eggs and bacon. I love French toast and pancakes. And
I love oatmeal. It didn’t start out that way. As a child I remember eating
Oscar Meyer liver sausage on toast with little dried minced onions on top. Yuck.
I know. Really yuck. I remember Fruit Loops and Rice Krinkles, Apple Cinnamon
Cereal and Captain Crunch. And I remember my father

Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Cantonese Steamed Chicken with Black Mushrooms, Green Onion and Sausage (Good for at least 30 years)

Cantonese Steamed Chicken

It seems kind of funny
that I’ve had a Chinese steamer travelling with me over the last 33 years. I
can even remember where I bought it. My steamer was found on a sidewalk sales
table at a kitchen store in the Foothills Mall in Fort Collins, Colorado.
It must have been cheap and I must have thought that this was a great find or I
never would have bought it.

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Not My Mama's Cherry Pie and Toasted Coconut Cookies

Not My Mama's Cherry Pie

               “If life is a bowl of cherries, then
what am I doing in the pits?”


Today is George Washington’s
Birthday. A long, long time ago when I walked miles to school we celebrated George’s
birthday on his real birthday. I don’t think President’s Day was invented yet.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Porcini Mushroom Lasagna or Treasure in My Mother's Pantry

I did not grow up liking
mushrooms. They seemed like slimy little creatures and they were brown. They
came in cans and one had to always pick them off of pizza or out of spaghetti
sauce. I DO NOT LIKE THEM said SAM, I AM. Until I had a gorgeous hunk of a
boyfriend. He was very tall and blonde and even my parents liked him. He played
basketball and had great biceps and drove a forest

Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Brazilian Coconut Lime Shrimp Stew

By the time Sunday night
rolls around I am not in a great frame of mind to cook. I’ve laid around with
any luck over the weekend, and sometimes it is hard to get inspired. Going out
is not an option for us right now as our budget is very tight. I’m not a fast
food person and even if I caved and let my husband go to Chipotle I’d have a
hard time justifying the $8 or so that he would spend on

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

Chicken Vesuvio, A Wedding, and a Great Shabbat Dinner

Chicken Vesuvio

 It only took me 33 years
to discover Chicken Vesuvio. Pretty pathetic, I know. After all I grew up off
of I57, spent numerous years trailing my parents to various restaurants in Chicago and yet had never
had Chicken Vesuvio. I think they were holding out on me. It took going back
for a wedding 21 years ago to bring it to my attention. And it has held it ever

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

New Orleans and King Cake

King Cake

  I’ve got New Orleans on my mind. Way back in the 80’s
we were able to visit several times. Twice for a conference, once just for fun,
one with sadness attached. I love New
Orleans. I love the energy that it gives me. N’awlins
makes me feel like I’m in another world and I could use that feeling right now.
When I think of the Big Easy I think of my husband’s relations

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

Brown Sugar Scotch Pudding to Soothe the Soul

Brown Sugar Scotch Pudding

Some days I need to be
soothed. Yesterday was one of them. I am tired of people that assure you they
will do something and then they don’t. Ok, let’s give them credit for trying. But
just like yellow ribbons didn’t matter when my kids were small (they knew only
the blue counted) trying doesn’t really help. And promising makes it worse.

I’m feeling a bit

Senin, 04 Februari 2013

Roasted Za'atar Chickpeas or Kadami (Definitely not potato chips!)

I admit it. I don’t really
like chickpeas. I like hummus but only freshly made hummus. The Jerusalem cookbook’s
recipe is fabulous; smooth and silky, creamy and luscious and reminds me of nothing
that comes out of a container here. And I love dipping pita into hummus. But
truth be told I never even liked the garbanzo beans on a restaurant’s salad
bar. (Do they still do salad bars?) So

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Green Posole in a Green Kitchen

Green Posole

I don’t know what has overcome
me. My, oh my. It must be in the beans. In the quest of trying to be healthier
my husband has requested a diet of more beans and less white stuff. I know you
know what I’m talking about. Because, it’s like, my favorite category of foods.
Like sugar. And pasta. And rice. Let’s not forget about bread. Oh, it pains me
just thinking about it.


Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Carne Asada, Yes Chef and The Homesick Texan

Carne Asada with Pickled Onions 

I love to exercise. Well, I do love to stretch. Does that count? Exercise is something I desperately need to improve at. Really what I love to do is read. I love to go the library. I dream of being locked in overnight. That wouldn’t be a nightmare for me. I’d bring lots of good healthy food to keep me company. Just kiddin’.

 In any

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

Mexican Style Quinoa (Keen-wah) or 2013, The Year of Quinoa

Mexican Style Quinoa

(keen-wah) was on my table the other night. That and cauliflower salad. I was satisfied
with both but my husband wondered where the rest of the meal was. You know-the
protein? I tried to explain that quinoa had plenty of protein for his dinner
and I had added chicken to it, too. But you can’t take a man away from his
protein. Especially those that need to be sliced

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

The Banh Mi Uncovered

I love a
good sandwich. Though we all have our own definition of what  a good
sandwich is- well, this what mine looks like.

Grilled Chicken Banh Mi Wrap

favorite sandwich is the Vietnamese Banh Mi. By now they are everywhere, except
at your local Subway. Boy, are they missing out. In Denver they can be found over on Federal Blvd which
is my not so secret stomping ground. I love

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Pasta and Chicken Gratin and the Flu

Pasta And Chicken Casserole

daughter calls me often. She makes me happy. Yesterday she told me she cloroxed
her desk. It appears many around her have been getting sick with the flu. She
then went to get a flu shot. It was good thinking on her part as Pennsylvannia
is considered a high risk state. And then she started feeling achy. And she
couldn’t lift her arm. And she went home

Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Boboli Pizza or Dinner in Denver

Boboli Pizza

Baby, it’s
cold in Denver.
And after Saturday’s Bronco loss I think it got even colder. Frigid perhaps. I
don’t get excited about football but the rest of my family does. And I am sorry
for them and the rest of the Denver
fans. But now my husband will have time to clean the basement, and more to the
point-his office. Now that I can get excited for.

before the

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Chocolate Krantz Cake or Babka and Jerusalem

Chocolate Krantz Cake


 It has
been almost a year since I’ve been in Jerusalem.
It is calling me. The past year was difficult as many things that were supposed
to happen didn’t and well-that’s the way the cookie crumbles-so to speak. Being
Jewish I get the equivalent of two new years and I really do try to make both
count. This year is all

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Royal Thai Cashew Chicken with Stir Fry Veggies

Stir Fried Vegetables

husband informed me that it is a new year. I mean-like I didn’t know. He
informed me that the sugar has to go. I mean really –like I didn’t know. Well
it is always hard to let something you love slip away but I do feel a bit
sluggish. It is time to get back on a path of healthier eating. I’m going to
give it the old one two. Let’s see how hard I punch.

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Breakfast Burritos

Egg and Potato Breakfast Burrito

Thanksgiving is over which means the turkey is close to being gone. We’ve had turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce, turkey enchiladas, turkey and tamale stuffing with red chile sauce and fried eggs and I think we still have turkey soup and turkey salad to go. Not bad for the poor maligned turkey who I am very thankful for. I never understand people who

Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Chocolate Fudge Cake and an 81st Birthday

Chocolate Fudge Cake

It is a
new year. It will be a good year. (I’m supposed to say this twenty times a day
for 3 weeks and then my brain will start believing it.) I read that somewhere
but I won’t bore you with the other 19. It will
be a good year but right now I feel more optimistic telling you what will taste
good this year. I have made this triple layer chocolate fudge cake  for